December 22, 2008

Student ID:07105

Portfolio for Writing IV,
Section 1a

0.0. Overview

Reviews, Posts, Words, and More

(See: Note 2, below.)

1.0. Essays

(See: Note 3, below.)

Please complete this table with data gathered from essays on your blog. See the Key (below) for definitions of the symbols in row one, and complete columns four through nine with numerical values (0, 1, 2, 3, ...).

1.1. Showcase
Short titles with links

Website review 08.09.29 (375+ words)

You can Know about them!


Favorite place(-s) 08.10.20 (450+ words)

Favorite place ~My Room is the Best~


Mrs. Doubtfire 08.11.04 (500+ words)

What is the most Important to me?


Community life 08.11.17 (default length*)

Community ~Spend my Life with Soft Ball Team~


Kumamoto's best-kept secrets 08.12.01 (5+ ¶¶)

Secret of Kumamoto~Mysterious Entrance~


Learning with computers 2008.12.15 (6+ ¶¶)

Free writing ~Good for Me~



Totals ---

¶: number of paragraphs five (5) or more sentences in length
W: number of words
C: number of comments
L: number of links
P: number of photos or other graphics
M: number of other media included in post
*: "long enough to cover the ... [communities] you choose," Writing Studio Blog, Preparation for Next Essays, 2008.10.29)

1.2. Best Essay

Selection and Assessment: Which of those six assigned essays do you feel is the best that you've written this semester, and why? Remember that a complete answer is better than a short answer, focus on your writing, and give at least two reasons to support your assessment.

What is the most Important to me?

because it is easy to read
because it is enough to paragraph


Titles of posts with links
Dates of comments
Numbers of words in comments
Qualities of comments**
2.1. Your first comment on your instructor's blog*
2.2. Your best comment on a classmate's blog*

MR2-01: Mr. Doubtfire ~Family love is forever~


I said my opinions for her in comment.
2.3. Best comment by a classmate on your blog*

What is the most Important to me?


She understood my mind. And she said me good opinions
2.4. Most comments on:
Titles of posts with link
Dates of posts Total number of words in comments
Qualities of comments**
2.4.1. Any one of your essays*

What is the most Important to me?


Everyone said me good things. When did you respond to those comments?
--- How did you respond to those comments?
I aswered everyone clearly
2.4.2. Any of your other posts*

BR2-2: What is Christmas?

She said me happy things When did you respond to those comments?
--- How did you respond to those comments? ---
I told her my mind


* Current semester comments on essays and other posts
** Please list the most important qualities of comments on each type of blog post. That is, explain briefly what makes them good comments.

2.5. Recent comments display

Does your blog display recent comments from blog visitors in a prominent location, for example, in a sidebar, header, or footer widget? Where, or why not? Please explain.
  • I put a recent comments display on head of a sidebar because I can notice new comment soon.

2.6. Additional reflections on comments

  • I think giving and receiving comments are very good for me and other people becasue we can communication each other. When I got comment from other student, I am very glad. So I think comment made us happy.

3.0. Book Reviews

3.1. Showcase Short titles
with links
Dates ( Words Comments
Vampire Killer



BR2-2: What is Christmas?


BR2-3: Elephants


BR2-4 : Cute boy but strong


BR2-5: Who is a Winner?


BR2-6: Naughty Girl, Junie B


BR2-7: Same for me!


BR2-8: Interesting


BR2-9: What is important for us?


BR2-10: Cool Cat, Puss


BR2-11: Do my best!


BR2-12: Wow








: Please calculate and list book review Totals for words and comments without including those from the example (above).

3.2. Best Book Review

Selection and Assessment: Which of those book reviews do you feel is the best that you've written this semester, and why? Remember that a complete answer is better than a short answer, focus on your writing, and give at least two reasons to support your assessment.

・ I think is BR2-6: Naughty Girl, Junie B the best becasue I could write about this book. In addition I could write my opinion.

4.0. Blog Layout, Labeling, Linking, & Media

4.1. Does your blog display an archive?

4.1.1. Does the archive display the titles of posts?

4.1.2. Is the archive organized by month?

4.1.3. Is the archive at or near the top of the sidebar?

4.2. Does your blog have labels displayed in sidebar?

5.2.1. Do your labels include these required labels (typed accurately): ---
  • "books" (plural) AND "reviews" (plural)

  • "essays" (plural) AND "portfolios" (plural, without "proto-")

  • "quickposts" (plural, with no space between quick and posts)

  • "links" (plural) AND "media" (plural)

  • "movies" (plural) AND "websites" (plural)

  • "brainstorms" (or "brainstorming"), "essay prep.," AND "free-writing" (or "free-writes")

4.2.2. Does your sidebar display other labels?

  • How many other labels have you attached to three (3) or more posts?
    • _17__ other labels attached to three or more posts
4.3. Links & media ---
4.3.1. Does your blog include photos or other graphics?

  • Does your blog profile include a photo or graphic representation?

  • How many of your blog posts this semester include photos or other graphics?
    • __50_ posts including photos or other graphics
4.3.2. Does your blog include posts with multiple links?

  • How many of your posts this semester include three (3) or more links?
    • __2_ posts including three or more links (including this portfolio!)
4.3.3. Does your blog include other media?

  • How many of your blog posts this semester include other media?
    • __1_ posts including other media
  • What kind(-s) of media have you included in posts this semester? Please list the kinds here:
    1. YouTube


  • What media content that you originally produced, if any, do your blog posts for this semester contain? Please list and explain each item briefly, and add short links and dates ( for reference.
Nothing especially.



4.4. Overall presentation

What have you done to enhance the overall presentation of your blog? List and explain the three most important content, display, formatting, layout, or other presentation changes that you have made on your blog this semester.
  1. ...I tried to put many pictures on blog, so everyone could see me.
  2. ...I tried to made paragraph, so everyone could read my blog very easily
  3. ...I really think about title, so I think titles are very nice this semester.

5.0. Additional reflections on your blog and your writing on it

Please feel free to include reflections on both spring and fall semester work, as well as on the content of this portfolio (proto-portfolios, showcases, and reflections).
  • ...I thought it is very difficult for me at first, but It was very interesting.
  • ...My host family read this blog, so I am very happy and I want to write many blog.
  • ...It was very good for me trying write somthing in English.

6.0. Advice and suggestions for yourself, your peers, and your successors

  • You should write a lot of things.
  • You should try to write about more your life.
  • Don't be afraid to write even if your English is bad because it is very important to WRITE.

  1. This portfolio template derives from the templates for Writing IIIc and Writing IVc portfolios (2007-08), and Writing III, §§1a & 1c (Fall, 2008).
  2. Please use the same code in section 0.0 that you used to embed your proto-portfolios (PPFs) in the footer of your blog, which you should already have revised to display your 2nd (fall) semester PPF first.
  3. The essays section (1.0. Essays, above) derives from Proto-Portfolio 2-02 (2008).

This portfolio template is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Please attribute to "the Writing Studio Blog" (without quotation marks).

Creative Commons License

(1719 words)

December 21, 2008

BR2-12: Wow

Have you ever thought about electricity?
I found this book in the library and I read this book. I was interested in this book because it was very interesting. I have never thought about electricity. What is it? And where does it come from? I didn't know that answer.. But I was think about many things after read this book. And I thought electricity was made by many people. Electricity is so useful but we should not forget what it become very dangerous sometimes....haha

This book is very nice for kids because there are funny experiment. I want to explain it but I think you should read this book. Then you can enjoy doing it. I think it is funny. And also this book is written about "Electricity safety tips". Therefore, you can learn about it. Then you never encounter with dangerous electricity....

(151 words)

BR2-11: Do my best!

I know this story. When I was kid, my mom always talked about this story. So I wanted to read this book again when I found this book in the our school's library. Then I borrowed this book.
This book tell us some important things. Harry who loved running is rabbit. And Tom who didn't do any practice for marathon. Harry practiced very hard. However, he couldn't get win because he became a lazy at last. And he thought "Tom is so slow, so I can be winner even if I ran very slowly."
And Tom didn't practice but he did his best, so he could win. I think he never give up! I think it is not good for us to do not practice. And also it is not good what we will be relieve and think we can do! I mean, we have to do our best from beginning to end.
(157 words)

BR2-10: Cool Cat, Puss

Hey, How are you everyone?
I found so cool and smart cat in the book. I was very surprised by him.

The cat, Puss is so clever! I never seen cat like him. He is very cute and smart. I love him.
His ideas were so nice! If I were him, I couldn't get good ideas like him. I want to be him because he is so ice. He is always thinking about his owner. I think his owner is very happy guy because he think about him a lot. And they became very poor, however, they became happy after that by the cat.I think he is great pet! I want him him! ha-ha
And I think his cap and cloak were so nice. It was cool.
But I couldn't understand why he can speak and stand....

It was very interesting book. You should read this book if you have free time!
(156 words)

December 20, 2008

BR2-9: What is important for us?

When I went to library, I found this book and I wanted to read this book, so I rented it.
I know this story before I read this book, but I never read or listen to this story in English. Therefore, I could feel different mood from this book. I become very sad because Ugly Duckling was very poor. He didn't do any bad things. However, everyone doesn't like him. And everyone said "You are so ugly ".

Is it ok? If you were other duck, you would also think about that?
I think it is bad matter because everyone has different things with other. So Ugly Duckling is not Ugly, just different. I think people is also same.People has different things of body,character, thinking and so on with other people.It is not bad different even if they have different things. It become special point for themselves. Therefore, we should understand every one's different things. Then we can understand each other....
(166 words)

What do you think about it?

BR2-8: Interesting

Are you think about there are Gnomes and Goblins? I never thought it because I thought they are mysterious. What do you think about it?
I read this book which written about them. And my mind was changed by this book.

There are four stories on this book. All stories were very interesting. I loved them. I like first story the best. It was very funny, I think.

And I thought Harold is very smart. He was not happy after gnome arrived at his farm. Gnome is very bad. I don't like his ideas. I thought there weren't bad gnomes in the world. However there are its in this book. I didn't believe what there are gnomes and goblins in the world, but I was thinking about there are its in the world after read this book.

I want to meet them someday. Can I dream come true? Ha-ha, Even if I can't do that, I will meet them in my dream during sleeping.
(169 words)

December 10, 2008

Free writing ~Good for Me~

I used computer at first when I was 4th grade in elementary student. I didn't know how to use computer then. But I started learning computer when I was junior high school. I had to take Industrial Arts and Homemaking classes. Then, I had to learn computer. I didn't like to learn it because it was very difficult for me at first. I couldn't type well and I didn't know anything. I have learned computer until then. Now, I can do anything with computer!!
I will introduce what I do on computer now.

First, I often use computer when I have to do homework. If I didn't understand something, I always use Internet. They have many information, so I could understand some thing which I couldn't understand easily. It is good way for me. And we had to write blog on computer in writing class, so I use computer every week. When I write blog, I always look for photos in Internet. I like to find photos because it is very funny :)

Second, I often think I want to buy something, but I am very busy girl, so I can't go to shops many times. Then, I use computer and Internet. And I always buy something on Internet. It is so nice because I don't have to go shop and I can buy something in house! Some people say it is not safety, but I think it is safety if we use good website. I always use good website. Therefore, it is very great. And I can enjoy shopping on Internet.

Third, I have American friends. Of course, they live in America, so I can't meet them a lot. But we can talk together on email. We live in far away. However, if we use computer, we can keep in touch. And I use YouTube because I can put move on there, so American friends can see me and other my friends. And I also can see them if they put move on there. When I see it, I become very happy. I really like to look it. One of my friends make songs and he send me it on email, so I can always listen his songs. Sometimes, I think that we are in very near town because we can contact a lot each other.

Finally, I like to listen to music. Therefore, I use computer and I listen to music. If I found good songs on Internet, I download them on computer and then I put them on my phone. Then I can listen to music during go to school. And I look for the words of a songs if I don't know it. I can find out them very easily if I use Internet.

Learning computer is very very difficult for me. However, learning computer is also good for me because there are many good points. I have done many things on computer since I started learning computer. I would not know how to use computer and couldn't do anything if I didn't learn it. Computer is very very useful, so I think it was very good for me what I was learning computer. And I want to learn more about computer. Then I will use computer more well :)

(554 words)


When I started to learn computer?
What I do with computer?


Point of learning computer

  • Keep in touch with American Friends
  • We can get many information
  • useful
  • music


It is very useful!


elementary high school

December 9, 2008

Hard but Fun

November 29
I went to Ueki for part-time-job, tutoring at 6 pm. I taught math and Japanese. My student, Yaya who is 3 grade in elementary school didn't know difficult division like 1405 divided by 8, so I taught her it. I think she she is very smart becasue she understood it soon. At first, she asked me something, but she didn't ask me anything and she could do it at last.
After finished teaching, I drove my car and I went to Kumamoto because my friends, Chie and Miyo were waiting for me. An hour passed and I met them. Then,
We went to ジーラ which is 居酒屋 like bar and restaurant. (I think 居酒屋 = bar+restaurant)
We ate a lot of things and we drink alcohol a lot. We enjoyed talking.... we didn't stop to talk. We were very funny, I think.. because we were dinker. We could very good time!
I wanna go to there with same member again.

We started to go back Chie's house. I and Chie did 桃鉄 which is TV game. We love it, but I was very very sleepy, so I slept soon.... I am sorry Chie!

Next Day (November 30)
We got up at 10:30am. And we did 桃鉄 again because we didn't finished it last night.
Then we went to zoo in Kumamoto. Chie's mom and older sister made 弁当 for us, so we brought it. We arrived at there at 2pm. And we were looking many animals. I love animal, so I could spend very good time. And then, we ate お弁当. It was very very good taste!!! I love dishes which made by her mom and sister. Thank you for cooking it for us!
I have to got back my town because I had part-time job, so I said "See you again" and I left.
I went to part time job and got back own home at 9pm.

(323 words)
November 22
I met Chinatsu who is my best friend.

I moved Kumamoto when I was 5 years. Then I went to new preschool. I met Chinatsu at first. But I didn't talke a lot with her when I was nursery school child. I and she entered same elementary school. And I knew we live in near each other, so I got back home with her everyday. We talked about lot of things such as school life, love, friend and so on. We always hung out together. We gladuated elementary school and we entered same junior high school . And we belong to same club, so we were always together. And we were same high school, too.
We are very good friendship. We went to America together for two times.

However, I entered different University with her. She entered University which in Fukuoka. So we can't meet a lot.
Therefore, I was so happy to meet her today. We went to Tenjin and we went to shop.
And we had dinner and went back her house. We went to supermarket and we bought alcohol and some snacks. We talked about many things. We couldn't stop to talk because we wanted talk a lot. I had some stresses but I don't have stresses now because I talked with her :)

I love her! She is so nice person. She always help me. So I want to help her forever <3

(241 words)

December 1, 2008

Secret of Kumamoto~Mysterious Entrance~

Do you know "Tonkararin"?
There is it in Nagomi, Kumamoto. But I think many people doesn't know it even if live in Kumamoto. I think it is very secret place.
Therefore, I will talk about it now.

It is kind of a cave or a tunnel. It is very deep and dirk. And it is very scary. There are many bats.
People made it by stones, but nobody knows why everyone made it now.
When I was kids, I went to there and I enter the tonkararin. It was very scary, but it was not narrow. I am interested in it because it is very very mysterious. I can't understand why they made it. Some researcher tried to research, but they couldn't found out many things, so there are many questions on tonkararin still.
I can't tell you a lot of things about it because it is difficult. I think if you are interested in it, you should go there and you should enter the it. It is very interesting but also scary. However, if you go there you can learn about many things. Then you will be surprised.

You can see pictures of it on this site.
I think you will think "I want to go there" after watching this web sites.
And this is movie.

I think you want to go there, right?
It is very good place if you want to know Japanese history.
Tonkararin has many secret things, but it has also very very important history in Japan.

(268 words)

out line for essay
