November 12, 2008

Community ~Spend my Life with Soft Ball Team~

I will introduce my soft ball team to everyone. There are 15 or 20 members in my soft ball team. I wasn’t thinking about join soft ball team. Of course, I didn’t know about soft ball very well. And I didn’t like it a lot. But one of my friends Shyo invited to me.
One night, I get email from him. And he said me “let’s eat out with us!” Then, I and Risa who is my friend went to restaurant with him. And he talked about soft ball team. He wanted to make soft ball team. And he asked us "You guys, will you be a team secretary?" Then, we were thinking about it a lot because we never do that, so we were worrying if we can do that. However, he said us “it is easy. Don’t worry! You can do that”. So we decided to be secretaries. Then we started spending time as secretaries.

First, we gathered members of team. There are many friends who want to join this team, so we could gather member easily. Then, we decided to first practice day. We worried if members come to ground which we would do practice. But many members came to there and we could practice soft ball at first. We knew each other because we were same elementary school or junior high school. Therefore, we didn't need to introduce ourselves. Our first practice was very very bad. We didn’t know what we should do then. So only time passed. After practice, we were thinking what we should do at practice with everyone. Members said their opinions. And we do our best for soft ball.

Now, we always practice every weekend. And we are thinking about make uniform and join some games in our town. Our team is still weak, but members are very nice. And we are very very good friends. Not only practice with team, we also hang out together. We often go to bowling at Friday or Saturday nights. Of course, there aren't many girls. Girls are only I and Risa. However, we can spend very very good time with them. I think because boys are very nice persons as friends. I really like spend time with soft ball team.

I thought I can't have good relationships with boys until high school student. But now, I think I can have great relationships with boys. I was known it by soft ball team. We enjoy to play soft ball and to hang out together. It is not reason if we are girls and boys. We can have great relationships without regard to sex or age. My mind changed after became team secretary like that. I think I am a lucky girl because Shyo asked me if I become a team secretary. If I didn't become it, I would never change my mind, so I want to help soft ball team as a good a secretary even if I become older like mom.

(505 words)

1 comment:

harattyo said...

You are good english, you are do her best to study!!

I'm very fine, thank you Thank you Ina's comment cheerful up me, it's so cold, it's Christmast's neon is very beautiful too from now on!!