December 9, 2008

November 22
I met Chinatsu who is my best friend.

I moved Kumamoto when I was 5 years. Then I went to new preschool. I met Chinatsu at first. But I didn't talke a lot with her when I was nursery school child. I and she entered same elementary school. And I knew we live in near each other, so I got back home with her everyday. We talked about lot of things such as school life, love, friend and so on. We always hung out together. We gladuated elementary school and we entered same junior high school . And we belong to same club, so we were always together. And we were same high school, too.
We are very good friendship. We went to America together for two times.

However, I entered different University with her. She entered University which in Fukuoka. So we can't meet a lot.
Therefore, I was so happy to meet her today. We went to Tenjin and we went to shop.
And we had dinner and went back her house. We went to supermarket and we bought alcohol and some snacks. We talked about many things. We couldn't stop to talk because we wanted talk a lot. I had some stresses but I don't have stresses now because I talked with her :)

I love her! She is so nice person. She always help me. So I want to help her forever <3

(241 words)

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