December 21, 2008

BR2-11: Do my best!

I know this story. When I was kid, my mom always talked about this story. So I wanted to read this book again when I found this book in the our school's library. Then I borrowed this book.
This book tell us some important things. Harry who loved running is rabbit. And Tom who didn't do any practice for marathon. Harry practiced very hard. However, he couldn't get win because he became a lazy at last. And he thought "Tom is so slow, so I can be winner even if I ran very slowly."
And Tom didn't practice but he did his best, so he could win. I think he never give up! I think it is not good for us to do not practice. And also it is not good what we will be relieve and think we can do! I mean, we have to do our best from beginning to end.
(157 words)

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