October 20, 2008

BR2-6: Naughty Girl, Junie B

I read this book. When I went to library, I found this book. I like them. I have read volume 1, 2, 3 of this series, so I borrowed volume 4 which name is "Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying".
I have a time on the train when I go to school and go back home. Therefore, I read book on train!

Junie B who is main character looks cute girl, but also looks "Naughty Girl". She always says funny things. And I think she likes this words "Guess what's?". I know she likes this words because she always said that word when she got probrems.....So I remebered this word from this book.

She is very good at hide somewhere.. I can't to hide somewhere like her. I think everyone can find me soon even if I hide some where because I am not good at that.. And I could understand her mind which scene she wants to know where Ms. live in. I also wanted to know that when I was elementary school student. But I couldn't ask teacher like Junine B. I think she is curious about anything. In the future, I think she will be intelligent person.

I enjoyed reading this books. I will read book which this series. I will read volume 5 this week :)

(225 words)

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