December 1, 2008

Secret of Kumamoto~Mysterious Entrance~

Do you know "Tonkararin"?
There is it in Nagomi, Kumamoto. But I think many people doesn't know it even if live in Kumamoto. I think it is very secret place.
Therefore, I will talk about it now.

It is kind of a cave or a tunnel. It is very deep and dirk. And it is very scary. There are many bats.
People made it by stones, but nobody knows why everyone made it now.
When I was kids, I went to there and I enter the tonkararin. It was very scary, but it was not narrow. I am interested in it because it is very very mysterious. I can't understand why they made it. Some researcher tried to research, but they couldn't found out many things, so there are many questions on tonkararin still.
I can't tell you a lot of things about it because it is difficult. I think if you are interested in it, you should go there and you should enter the it. It is very interesting but also scary. However, if you go there you can learn about many things. Then you will be surprised.

You can see pictures of it on this site.
I think you will think "I want to go there" after watching this web sites.
And this is movie.

I think you want to go there, right?
It is very good place if you want to know Japanese history.
Tonkararin has many secret things, but it has also very very important history in Japan.

(268 words)

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