September 1, 2008

In North Carolina

August 16th-23th
Cheryl, Rickey, Taj, Jamal, Alun, Ben , Chinatsu, Teddy, Matt, Jane, Ted and I went to North Carolina by car. We used 2 cars. One car was drived by Cheryl and Rickey. And another car was drived by Jane and Ted. It took 8 hours, I didn't think that we have to spend much time gor go to there. Children who I and Alun and Chinatsu and Jamal and Taj slept in the car. Sometimes, we got up and enjoyed talking. We were on the way to North Carolina, we went to McDonald's. There were many people in spite of morning. Hamburger's bread was different with Japanese McDonald's. In America use ベーグル, but in Japan use nomal bread... I like American Mcdonald's.

After 8 hours since we left at house, we arrived at North Carolina. There was beach and also there were many cottages for tourist. We borrowed one of it and we stayed there on August 16th to 23th.

Our trip in beach was very excited all time. We went to beach and swam everyday, so I did sunburn.

Third day's night, children went to beach and looked for white crabs. Matt and Alun was very good for find out them. They found out big crabs and small crabs. We took many pictures. We did hand to hand on line and we did skip.

Fourth day evening, we were swiming in the beach and we saw dolphins. I was very surprise and it made me happy.

Every night, children kept late hours and enjoyed to talk, singing and doing panto mime. Teddy played the guiter and we made song. I also made it with Chinatsu about everyone.
♪Alun, can speak Japanese.
Matt is very charming
Ben is Paul's cousin
Paul was good teacher for us
But we don't know what he is doing,
Please tell us about him, Ben ♪
♪Teddy can play the guiter
Jamal is good at cooking
Taj is very cute
Everyone is very kind for us
Thank you very much♪
Everyone said us "Very good this song", so we were very happy.

And other night, we played mini golf. It was very difficult, but I liked it:)
Rickey was very good at it. I remember some conversation with Ben.
Ben said me How is your score?. And I said Bad. Then Ben said again that But are you enjoying it? ,so I said Yes! It is very fun.Finally, Ben said It is the most important things.
I tought it is true. I like his mind. I want to follow his example.
Last night, we didn't sleep all night and talked about anything.
In the morning, we had to leave North Carolina. We took 8 hour for the Maryland again.
We could enjoy to spend on beach, except on our way to and from North Carolina.

(480 words)

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