August 31, 2008

Library or Book Store?

August 15th
Today, I got up at 6:00am because I had a jet-reg, so I couldn't sleep well.
At 9:00am, I downed stare for breakfast. Today's breakfast was egg, maffin, and so on.

After finished eating breakfast, we walked with Dirk which is pet, dog. I took some pictures.

After that, we went to some book store. I was surprised to know american book store is so good place. Of course, there were many books. In the addition, there were coffee shop. We can order some drink there. Then, we can read books which we don't pay for it like library.... It was so great. There aren't book store like that in Japan. I think....If there are store like that in Japan, everyone will go there and everyone won't buy book....just read there. But if there are it, I will go.

I like children books, so I looking for it. There were many cute books. I decided to buy some books. I love it... Mickey Mouse is my favorite character. And Taj recommended Mr. Seuss.

At night, we went to Jane's house for dinner. Then, I me Matt and Ben and Alex!!! They were good. We ate pizza. Chinatsu and I gave everyone to Yukata or Jinbei. Everyone wore it and took the picture.

Aftter the dinner, we went to park and played frisbee. It was very interesting.

(239 words)

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