September 11, 2008


September 10th

Today I got up at 10:00am. And I used computer because I talk Teddy on chat. I like that system. We can't meet everyday, but we can talk every day. So I am happy.
Then, I went to part-time-job. It was very, very busy. After 3 hours, my best friend, Miyo came to our supermarket.

When I finished job and I went to my car, someone were standing near my car.
Who they are? I thought...... YEEEES, They are my friends. Miyo and Akira. I become happy. And I and Miyo went to restaurant because I was hungry. I ate curry ドリア with hamburger. It was very good taste. And then, we ate dessert. I like sweet <3

After eating dinner, we went to her house because she had to preparation for stay the night at my house. Then, we went back my house.
I opened my computer again for talk to Teddy. I enjoyed talking to him. Miyo also talked to him.
I was grad because my friend talked him. We will talk in the morning. I am looking forward to it.
(188 words)

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