September 5, 2008

American University

August 26th

I and Chinatsu got up at 9:00 and we got ready to go out. Today, we had plan in the morning. We went to Restaurant and met Jaquei who is Alun's mother. We had lunch and enjoyed talking. We didn't meet so long time, so I was glad to meet her again. When I leave restaurant, we took picture. I love her :) I want to meet her again.

Next, we went to Universuy in Maryland. We went to shop of University and I bought somthing. Then, we look around the University. There were food shops, theater, billiards and boring place and game place and so on. There aren't place like American in Japan, so I was surprise. And I couldn't believe that is University. But I like American University :)

After that, we moved to next University because we would take a classes. We asked professor when we arrived at there. Professor said OK, so we could take Nutrition classes. Professor was seems very good. Today was first class, so she introduced for classes. I couldn't understand that when classes started.... Professor talked with every students. It was different with Japanese professor. In Japane, professor speak alone. American Professor used game when students introduce. Japanese professor doesn't use game in my university. And American professor was very friendry. Everyone could ask professor anything. I can't ask professor in some classes in my university.
I like American University's mood. Japanese University 's class mood is not good as America because proffesor and students are not friendry. I think that Japanese should imitate to America.

In the evening, we went to supermarket and we go back home. After that Ben came to Jane's house and we played harts. We became hungry, so we went to restaurant :) We ate Italian food and then, we went back home and we sang in the car.

Ben had to go back home because he had classes next day. Teddy and I and Chinatsu took him to his house. I and Chinatus didn't think today is last day we can meet him. Therefore, we didn't give him to letter..... (We l eft letter for him to Jamal after.)

(373 words)

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