September 28, 2008

You can Know about them!

Do you know Halloween and Thanks giving?
I think some Japanese people say YES, but they don't know about that history. They know just NAME. Japanese people doesn't know about it very much.
I know them, but I also only know names. And I also didn't know about them very much. So I looked for website which written about it on google English. There are many websites. Then I found very good site! So I will introduce about it.

I think this website is good. You can know about Halloween if you look this site. For example, you will be able to know origins of Halloween and of couse you will able to know history of Halloween. And That site's color is Halloween color, so you can enjoy see that also. And there are some pictures, so you can know mood of halloween even if you don't know anything about it.
Therefore, if look and read this website, you can learn about Halloween. If you want to know about it, you should look this website.

And I will also introduce other website which is written about Thanks Giving.
I didn't know about Thanks Giving, but I looked this. Then, I could understand some thing about it.
I think that website's English is not difficult, so you can understand even if you can't understand English a lot.
Do you want to know when did Thanks Giveng at first?
Do you want to know who was starting it?
I was interested in it, so I looked and read this website. It was very, very good for me to learn about it. If you also interested in Thanks Giving, you should look and read this website like me! I think you can spend a very good time at that time.

I like those website. They are very interesting. And it is also useful for our knowledge.
Halloween and Thanks Giving are not Japanese culture, but we should know about other countries culture. Internet can tell me many things which is not our country's culture, so we should hear about other culture like Halloween and Thanks Giving!

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September 26, 2008

BR2-3: Elephants

I like cute pictures, so I borrow this book. That book's picture are so cute and colorful. And I love elephonts. So I liked to read this book.
This book is written by so easy English, so I could understand very clear. And I like this story becasue it is very good story and very unique. Elephants never fly! But they could fly in the story. And they were bad guys becasue they broken town. However, I think they they didn't notice about it. Gods are very good persons. They help to peace of town.
And finally, we can some puzzle on this back. It was interesting. I liked it.

Do you like Elephants and cute pictures? And also do you like puzzle?
If you like them, you should read this book!!

(134 words)

September 25, 2008

BR2-2: What is Christmas?

When I went to library and looked book, I found this book. And I was thinking about after two month. Yes! It is December. There is Christmas event on December.
But what is Christmas day? I didn't know about it very well. I just have known what Christmas is Christ's birthday celebrate. So I thought I want to know about Christmas more. That is reason why I borrowed this book.

There are many stories about Christmas in this book. For example "Why people decorate on tree?", "When open the presents which under the tree?", "Why stocking......?" and so on. So I could know about Christmas. And It is written by easy English, so it is easy to read and understand. If you want to know about Christmas, you should read this book.
I want to counts down the days, from December 1st to Christmas Day, so I thought I want to buy Advent calender this year.

In Japan, Christmas is not big event and not holiday. But I want to do Christmas party like American people. Someday, I want to stay in America on December and I want to do big party with many friends :)

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September 24th

Today is September 24th :) Today is my brother's birthday. He became 22 years old. I had job in supermarket. I was thinking about brother's birthday. I wanted to give him to something. But I don' have a time what I go to shop. So I was thinking about it. I got a good idea. He likes to drink alcohol, so I bought beer and snaks for him. I went back home. And soon, I went to my brother's room. Then, I said...

"Brother!!! Happy Birthday :) Present for you"

He smiled and he said me

"Thank you so much"

I love him. He is good my brother like friend. We drink alcohol together and talk about manythings. He always notice my mind if I get probrems and he helps me. so I like him very much.
I am happy what I am his younger sister :)

(149 words)

September 24, 2008


September 22th

Today, I got up at 6:30am.....Why? YES!!! My school started classes today. I was very sleepy but I readied to go to school. And I went to school by car becasue I had to go hospital after school. I didn't like drive car in the morning becasue it was very congest with car. so I had to talke it more an hour.

At 8:45am, I went to class room. I had a first period classes what American History classes, so I took it with my friend. I learnd "When did people start live in America?"
In 1492, There were 15000000 people in North America. And 1000000 people in South America. Atfirst Mongoloid started to live in America....
And I learnd about Company and John Rolfe, and Jamestown, Pocahontas. I couldn't understand Pocahontas, so I have to ask my American friends or boyfriends.

At 10:30am, we finished first period classes and then we went to next classes. 2nd period was American Iterary history. I like this classes' professor because she is very friendly. Today, she introduced what we will do 2nd semester. We can watch many kind of movie at this classes, so I like this classes. Then I have to write report about movie which we watched. It is difficult but I like to write reports ;) At 11:30am, we finished classes too early, so we could eat lunch early. I ate lunch wich made by my mom. I like her lunch, so I am looking forward to lunch time everyday!

After I had a lunch with friend, I went to computer room because I didn't have 3rd period classes. Then I talked to Teddy who is my boyfriend. We talked about manythings. And I could talke to Jane just one word. I was glat to it. I and Teddy were enjoy talking until 2:30pm. Then I went to next classes.

4th period was English Introduction. I learnd "What is semantics?" like "referential theory". It was very difficult. But also it was interesting :)

After finished school, I went to hospital. I don't like hospital... But I had to go. I was stay in hospital an hour. Then I went to back home. I got home at 6pm and I did nap. Then I had dinner. After eating something for dinner, I went to job. I had to go student house until 8pm for tutor. I taught math today. At 9pm, I finished teaching and went back home.

Today was very, very busy for me, but I think I will be more busy after. But I will do my best for school and exam and job!!!!

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September 16, 2008

Thank you

Today, I called friend after finish part-time-job becasue I wanted to know her tomorrow schedule. I don't have job, so I wanted to hang out with her. But she has part-time-job tomorrow, so we can't do that.....
After that she said me "Please come to my house now, I want to give you something".
So, I went to her house. And she gave me present because she went to Tokyo.
Those were very cute and good taste

THANK YOU, my friend :)

(87 words)


It was great day!!!!

Today, I left my house at 12:40.Then, I went to T***** because I met Miyo. I didn't know where she was in, so I played my hunch...haha.
Then, Miyo called me and she and her friend said me "We can see you!! Come here! Not that way...". But I didn't find them. She and herfriend taught me where they were. After few minute, I could meet them :)

After meet Miyo, I and she went to クレア(it is shopping mall). There are many shops. And also there is theater. We wanted to watch movie which is Ponyo. We didn't know when start show it, so we went to theater and checked time. We had time until start it, so we looked alound shops. We saw clothes, clothes, clothes!!!!! But I didn't buy any clothes...
After an hour, we went to theater again, and we watched Ponyo. It was very, very cute!!! I remember some words!!!
ハムだ------- and ポニョ、そうすけダーーーイスキ。
I liked this words because it was so cute :)
I and Miyo said that words as Ponyo again and again after finish movie.
I think everyone look us and thought they were funny....

We started shopping again. I bought coupy-pencil. It is like crayon.
And about 9:00pm, we started going back home.

We went to restaurant becasue we were hangry. We ate some foods then. And I took her to station and we said see you soon each other.
Today was very, very gooood time.
I want to hang out with her soon.
I LOVE YOU ♪haha
(264 words)

September 12, 2008


What will you do if you get 200,ooo,ooo yen (about 20000000 dollers) ?

I was thinking about it during I was working in super market today.

First, I will give 100,000,000 yen to my Family because I bother everyone. My parents pay my school cost. So I want to give them.
And if I get money.......... I go to Europe and Africa, Venezuela and .......... YES!!!!!!!!!! I want to trip all over the world!! with friends? with family? with boyfriend? with.... Everyone! I want to trip with everyone!
HA-HA :) It is wonderful trip!!!!
I think I will eat many special foods and go to shop. I love shopping ♪

And I want to go many countries' stationer! I like to look sttionery. So I will buy many kind of note books, pen and so on. I think I will go this trip with Miyo because she also love stationery. We have same hobby.

And then..... If I still have money after finish travering, I save money. Then I go to America many times because I love America and I have American family and Friends!!! And I also have a boyfriend in America!!! They are very good persons. And very kind to me, so I want to give them big presents also.
These are my idea if I get money!!
What't do you think about it ?! What do you want to do? Let's me know.....
(211 words)

September 11, 2008


September 10th

Today I got up at 10:00am. And I used computer because I talk Teddy on chat. I like that system. We can't meet everyday, but we can talk every day. So I am happy.
Then, I went to part-time-job. It was very, very busy. After 3 hours, my best friend, Miyo came to our supermarket.

When I finished job and I went to my car, someone were standing near my car.
Who they are? I thought...... YEEEES, They are my friends. Miyo and Akira. I become happy. And I and Miyo went to restaurant because I was hungry. I ate curry ドリア with hamburger. It was very good taste. And then, we ate dessert. I like sweet <3

After eating dinner, we went to her house because she had to preparation for stay the night at my house. Then, we went back my house.
I opened my computer again for talk to Teddy. I enjoyed talking to him. Miyo also talked to him.
I was grad because my friend talked him. We will talk in the morning. I am looking forward to it.
(188 words)

September 8, 2008

BR2-1: Apples

I read this book. It was very easy to read for me.
When I went to book store in America, I look that book. I thought it is very cute bear and I want to buy, so I bought it. And I read soon.
That's book is very easy words, but I could study English grammer.
Bears are very cute. I like bear ;)
They went to Apple farm and they got many apples. And they cook many apple foods. I like apple, so I thought I want to eat that dishes. I think they can't eat everything.....So I want to eat them!!!!!!!!!!!!
(105 words)

September 7, 2008

Presents from American Friends

My American friends gave me many presents.

At last night we were in North Carolina, American Familys' Dad and Mom gave us Letter sets and pens and soap. It was very cute and useful. And soap is very, very good smell. I love American soap :) And also Teddy gave us T-shirt. It is so pretty;) I like that colors.

When went back Maryland, Ted gave me present. It was very great things. He said me "I made it from the cherry blossom". It was amazing! I couldn't believe he made it because it was very, beautiful things. And Teddy gave me one things again. He gave me bracelet which he made. It was very good. I like it, so I am wearing everyday. He said me it is first he made. I was surprise when I heard that words because I thought he made bracelets many time. And it was very beautifu, so I couldn't believe it was first bracelet he made.
Finally, Jane came to our room and she gave my parients candy and something. I can't see something because it was impounded by inspector at airport when I go back to Japan. It was very sad... Jane, I am so sorry.
Any way, candy was very good taste. My parents also liked them. And my parents said "Thank you very, very much"
I like all of presents which everyone gave me. I want to give everyone to something when I go to America next.

Thank you very, very much everyone!!!!
(256 words)

September 6, 2008

Last Day

August 27th-28th

Today, I went to church in the morning with Teddy and Jane and Chinatsu.
Church was very big and very beautiful. I have never seen church like that. There aren't very big church, so I was surprised by it. We walk in there and took the picutures. I liked that church :)

In the afternoon, I and Jane, Chinatsu and Raisa who is Teddy's sister went to Baltimore. Teddy have to go job, so he couldn't go there with us.
I and Chinatsu slept in the car. After 45 minutes(maybe), we arrived at there. Raisa went to University and we went to aquarium. I had a stomachache, so I was still tired. However, I was looking forward to go aquarium. I love aquarium.
There were many fish such as shark, ray, jellyfish and so on. Turtles were so cute. I took many pictures.

Then, we went to shopping. I bought bracelet for me and Teddy. Teddy gave me bracelet, so I bought it to him. After that, Raisa picked up us and went bak home.

In the night, we went to American restaurant. Rickey, Cheryl, Jamal, Jane, Ted, Raisa and Chinatsu came to there. Teddy came there after few minute because he went to job. I ate shrimp pasta and drunk cherry lemonade. Its were very good taste. And American restaurant was funny because staff bringed to another juice again if we didn't ask them and didn't finish drinking own juice.
We enjoyed talking. And then we took pictures and we went out the restaurant.

After go back to the home, everyone didn't sleep until later. But Chinatsu and Raisa went to bad and slept. But I didn't want to sleep because I wanted to sleep on the plain, so I was sitting up with Teddy. He accompany me. He was very kinf for me. Thank you very much and I love you :)
I slept at 5:00am... maybe.. I didn't remember. Probabry, Teddy know when I slept.

Then, I got up at 6:45am. Teddy called me at that time. And we left at house. We went to Washington Dulles International Airport because I and Chinatsu had to go back to Japan. I really wanted to stay in America more, so I didn't want to leave house. Chery and Jane and Teddy came there for seeing us off. We had time until leave airport, so we had break fast and look around the airport. Then, we were sitting the chairs. After one or two hours, we had to leave, so we took picture and said good bye. I was very sad when I rode on the plain.....
I talked Chinatsu to American trip in plain. We thought it was very, very good time for us!!!! We want to stay in America again!
My American friends are very, very kind to us. I am happy because I have very gooooooood Ameircan friends. I never forget about this summer trip !!!
(501 words)

September 5, 2008

American University

August 26th

I and Chinatsu got up at 9:00 and we got ready to go out. Today, we had plan in the morning. We went to Restaurant and met Jaquei who is Alun's mother. We had lunch and enjoyed talking. We didn't meet so long time, so I was glad to meet her again. When I leave restaurant, we took picture. I love her :) I want to meet her again.

Next, we went to Universuy in Maryland. We went to shop of University and I bought somthing. Then, we look around the University. There were food shops, theater, billiards and boring place and game place and so on. There aren't place like American in Japan, so I was surprise. And I couldn't believe that is University. But I like American University :)

After that, we moved to next University because we would take a classes. We asked professor when we arrived at there. Professor said OK, so we could take Nutrition classes. Professor was seems very good. Today was first class, so she introduced for classes. I couldn't understand that when classes started.... Professor talked with every students. It was different with Japanese professor. In Japane, professor speak alone. American Professor used game when students introduce. Japanese professor doesn't use game in my university. And American professor was very friendry. Everyone could ask professor anything. I can't ask professor in some classes in my university.
I like American University's mood. Japanese University 's class mood is not good as America because proffesor and students are not friendry. I think that Japanese should imitate to America.

In the evening, we went to supermarket and we go back home. After that Ben came to Jane's house and we played harts. We became hungry, so we went to restaurant :) We ate Italian food and then, we went back home and we sang in the car.

Ben had to go back home because he had classes next day. Teddy and I and Chinatsu took him to his house. I and Chinatus didn't think today is last day we can meet him. Therefore, we didn't give him to letter..... (We l eft letter for him to Jamal after.)

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September 4, 2008

Washington D.C.

August 25 th

In the morning, Cheryl took Taj to hair shop. I and Chinatsu prepared for stay at Jane's house because we stay her house two days. Taj have to go back to Ohio for school tomorrow, so Cheryl take her to there.
After one or two hours, I and Chinatsu and Cheryl picked up Taj. And we went to book store.
We met Taj's friend. We have met her before 4 years ago. Cheryl talked her mother and Taj looked around with her friend. I and Chinatsu was looking for book. Chinatsu bought cooking book. She is very good at cooking. I like food her made.
We got back home and we left at soon, except Taj because she have to do pack for go back Ohio.

We went to Jane's house and we met Jane and Ted. We went to College park and rode on train.
We went to National Geographic museum in Washington D.C. There were many things of Chinese. It was great. Next, we went to Sesame Street museum. There are many pictures and dolls. It was very, very cute. After that, we went to space museum. I am interested in that, so I was looking forward it. I saw merry-go-round on the our way. I have seen it before four years ago, so it was the good old.
We arrived at museum soon and we looked around there. Ted is working in NASA, so he was know about space. Therefore, I could learn from him. I was glad it.
Then, we started to go back home. We took picture on the way.
We have taken same place before four years ago. I could take good picture again, so I was Happy.
We arrived at Jane's house. Ben came to there and Teddy get back home. We ate food for dinner and we played card game. It was very fun.
Times came what Rollins Family had to go back home. Today is last day we can meet Taj, so I was very sad... I and Chinatsu took the pictures and say good bye. She is very cute. And she was kind to me. Thank you very much it. I love you.

After everyone go back home, I and Chinatsu stay at Jane's house. We took shower and I we watched movie which names Ratatouille. It was very funny. I liked it. I and Teddy watched it until finished it, but Chinatsu and Jane slept, so they didn't watch all.
After finished movie, we listened to music and we slept each room.

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August 24th

We got up at early because we wanted to wash our clothes.
We went to basement and we use washing machine. Cheryl taught us how to use.
After that, we went to TARGET which is shop like Mr. Max because Taj had to buy many things for new school life. There were many things I wanted to buy. I like shopping :)

Next, we went to stationer. There were many notebooks, pens and so on. I love American stationery. I bought pens and notebooks. They were cheeper than Japan, so I bought it. If I go to America again, I want to go there again!!!!

This evening, we went to Jane's house. And we did party because today was last day we can meet everyone. Some children start school next day, so they can't hang out us.
We ate some food and we enjoyed talking. There was the special cake on the desk. It was very cute, so I took pictures. Thank you every one :)

At about10:00pm, Ben, Alun and Matt had to go back home, we said good bye and see you again. I didn't want to say it because I became sad. We can't meet Alun and Matt again until we go to America next time. We took pictures and we did hug again and again. Then, they had gone.

They are my good friends. They are very kind to me. I couldn't understand English but they tried to tell me again and again. I was very happy. I like them. We can meet you soon! I am looking forwerd to meet you again.

After finished party, I and Chinatsu and Rollins family went back home. And we took shower and we slep soon.

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Harry Potter

August 23th

After go back home, I and Teddy, Matt, Ben, Alun, Chinatsu, Ted and Jane went to the park because we wanted to watch the movie. We didn't have to pay for it. It hold festival in there. There was big screen for movie and there were many people.

We didn't eat dinner, so we ate something and prepared for watch movie. We lay down the ground and watched the movie which Harry Potter.

I couldn't understand English, but it was very fun. After finished movie, Teddy took us our house :)

(95 words)

September 1, 2008

In North Carolina

August 16th-23th
Cheryl, Rickey, Taj, Jamal, Alun, Ben , Chinatsu, Teddy, Matt, Jane, Ted and I went to North Carolina by car. We used 2 cars. One car was drived by Cheryl and Rickey. And another car was drived by Jane and Ted. It took 8 hours, I didn't think that we have to spend much time gor go to there. Children who I and Alun and Chinatsu and Jamal and Taj slept in the car. Sometimes, we got up and enjoyed talking. We were on the way to North Carolina, we went to McDonald's. There were many people in spite of morning. Hamburger's bread was different with Japanese McDonald's. In America use ベーグル, but in Japan use nomal bread... I like American Mcdonald's.

After 8 hours since we left at house, we arrived at North Carolina. There was beach and also there were many cottages for tourist. We borrowed one of it and we stayed there on August 16th to 23th.

Our trip in beach was very excited all time. We went to beach and swam everyday, so I did sunburn.

Third day's night, children went to beach and looked for white crabs. Matt and Alun was very good for find out them. They found out big crabs and small crabs. We took many pictures. We did hand to hand on line and we did skip.

Fourth day evening, we were swiming in the beach and we saw dolphins. I was very surprise and it made me happy.

Every night, children kept late hours and enjoyed to talk, singing and doing panto mime. Teddy played the guiter and we made song. I also made it with Chinatsu about everyone.
♪Alun, can speak Japanese.
Matt is very charming
Ben is Paul's cousin
Paul was good teacher for us
But we don't know what he is doing,
Please tell us about him, Ben ♪
♪Teddy can play the guiter
Jamal is good at cooking
Taj is very cute
Everyone is very kind for us
Thank you very much♪
Everyone said us "Very good this song", so we were very happy.

And other night, we played mini golf. It was very difficult, but I liked it:)
Rickey was very good at it. I remember some conversation with Ben.
Ben said me How is your score?. And I said Bad. Then Ben said again that But are you enjoying it? ,so I said Yes! It is very fun.Finally, Ben said It is the most important things.
I tought it is true. I like his mind. I want to follow his example.
Last night, we didn't sleep all night and talked about anything.
In the morning, we had to leave North Carolina. We took 8 hour for the Maryland again.
We could enjoy to spend on beach, except on our way to and from North Carolina.

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