October 8, 2008

Favorite place: The best room

My favorite place is my room. I didn't like my room at first when I moved here from F***** because it was very scary for me then. But I don't know why I was scaryed by them... I always spended times in my room with my sister.

However I love my room now. It is not scary!! My room is very very comfortable. There are many things like TV, bed, CD player and so on. If I want to sleep or listening to music, reading books.........I can do manythings in my room.

And also there are many pictures of me and friends and family which took in school, America, Guam........So, I can remember the very good memories if I am in my room. When I am spending time in there, I always listening to music and looking pictures! The pictures make me happy becasue I remembered good memories by them.

In the addition, there are many mickey mouse things! I love mickey mouse, so if I see mickey mouse in my room, my feeling become good. It healed my mind. And there are things which American friends send me. When I see them, I rememmber many good memories in America.

I think my room is the best in my house, so I love my room!!!! Do you want to come and spend time with me? HA-HA

If you want, you can :) Please come to my room which my favorite place. I think you can spend very good time!!

(253 words)

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