October 30, 2008

BR2-7: Same for me!

I reead "Junie B. Jones and the Yucky Blunck Fruitcake".
I always read this series because I love Junie B.

Junie B doesn't want to lose for anyone. Yes! she want to be winner, not want to be loser. It is same for me. I don't want to be loser. I always think "I wanna be winner! I don't want to lose for anything". When I was high school student, I thought " I don't want to lose with classmate for study, so I studied a lot. Then I won!!! I got first place in class. And I got perfect scores! yaaaaaaay :) So I think Junie B will be very nice girl in the future because I am good girl now. Ha-Ha.
She is a rascal now. However, I think she will get succces in the future!
I always think about "She is similar with me" after read. Therefire, I think I like this series.
I will read next volume.
(164 words)

October 29, 2008

My Families

Do you like your family? I love my family! because my family is very very good. I have a two families. Of couse, one of my families live in Japan with me. And other family live in America because I went to America and I got new great family when I was high school student.

Now, I am going to introduce to my Japanese family. There are five people in my Japanese , dad mom, older sister and older brother and me. My dad is very good person. He goes to work everyday. But if he have holiday, he take somewhere to us. My mom is very very funny. Her smile is the best in the world. I am respect for my parents. And my sister is scary for me, but she is also good person!!! I think she is smart. And she is good at cooking. Her dishes are very nice. And My brother is great guy! I and he is very very good relationship as good friends. We always talk about school life, love, future and more. I can tell him everything. I think he is my brother also he is good my friend!
I like to talk with my family when I go back home. If I get probrems, I talk with them about funny thing. Then I will be able to be happy. They make me very very happy.

Next, I will talking about American family. There are five people and a pet in my American family, dad, mom, older sister, brother who is same age with me, a dog and me. My American dad and mom are very very kind for me. When I went to America for years ago and this summer, they were in charge of me. They were always smiling and made me happy :) I really like their smile. And my American sister who is very cute. She also have good smile. I think she is good at singing because I heard her singing when I rode on the car and it was so nice. And she really likes the Dirk wich is the pet. And Dirk likes her very much, too. Dirk is very friendly. And my brother who is cool :) I think he good at cooking and useing comuputer. I ate pasta that he made when I was in America. It was very good taste. And he always used computer in Summer. Oh! And he likes sleeping, too. I think :) My American sister and brother are good family and also good friend for me <3
We can't meet a lot, but we are bound by ties. I am very glad they are my other family!!!

I really happy I have two families :)
I will think the world of them forever :)

(460 words)

Free writing about communication

I will talk about "Communication".
I am studying English now. I thought I want to communication with other countries' people when I was child, so I decided to study English.
I met foreigner at first I remembered when I was junior high school student. But I didn't know English a lot, so I couldn't talk with her. So I studied English very hard.
When I was high school student, I went to America with a teacher and some people. I didn't think I can communicate with American people. But it was not true, I could! Of course, I couldn't talk with American friends a lot in English, but we could that with them because we didn't need language a lot. We could understand each other in our mind and body language. I learned then what we can communicate with American even if use English or Japanese.

But English is common language, so I can communicate with other countries' people if I can speak English more. So now, I am studying it a lot.
(178 words )

Free writing about Family

Do you like your family?
I love my family! because my family is very very good.
I have a two families. Of couse, one of my families live in Japan with me.
And other family live in America because I went to America and I got new great family when I was high school student.

Now, I am going to introduce to my Japanese family. There are five people in my Japanese , dad mom, older sister and older brother. My dad is very good person. He go to work everyday. My mom is very very funny. Her smile is the best in the world. I am respect for them. And my sister is scary for me, but she is also good person!!! I think she is smart. My brother is great guy! I and he is very very good as friends. We always talk about school life, love, future and more. I can tell him everything. I think he is brother also he is good friend!
I like to talk them when I go back home. If I get probrems, I will talk with them about funny thing. Then I will be able to be happy. They make me very very happy.

(202 words but it is not complete)

October 26, 2008

Outline for School Job

This is "Mrs. Doubtfire" outline.

Why I know this movie?
Introduce to Character of Mrs. Doubtfire
About story

What's happen for Family?!
A homemaker, Mrs. Doubtfire.
Changing his life

What is the most important to in our life.
(42 words)

October 20, 2008

BR2-6: Naughty Girl, Junie B

I read this book. When I went to library, I found this book. I like them. I have read volume 1, 2, 3 of this series, so I borrowed volume 4 which name is "Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying".
I have a time on the train when I go to school and go back home. Therefore, I read book on train!

Junie B who is main character looks cute girl, but also looks "Naughty Girl". She always says funny things. And I think she likes this words "Guess what's?". I know she likes this words because she always said that word when she got probrems.....So I remebered this word from this book.

She is very good at hide somewhere.. I can't to hide somewhere like her. I think everyone can find me soon even if I hide some where because I am not good at that.. And I could understand her mind which scene she wants to know where Ms. live in. I also wanted to know that when I was elementary school student. But I couldn't ask teacher like Junine B. I think she is curious about anything. In the future, I think she will be intelligent person.

I enjoyed reading this books. I will read book which this series. I will read volume 5 this week :)

(225 words)

October 19, 2008

BR2-5: Who is a Winner?

My host family, Taj nominated Dr. Seuss children books when I went to book store in America, so I bought Dr. Seuss Children book which name is "Fox and Socks"

This book's characters are very cute. I like Knox and Fox. It was written hou to use preposition at first. I don't like preposition. It is very difficult for me. I couldn't know how to use it, so I take it potluck to its when I use it.

I think it is very bad idea that Sue and Fox sews many things such as rose slow Joe crow's clothes and so on. I could understan why knox doesn't like that game.

Fox has many ideas, but it is all bad ideas. If I were Knox, I would be angry and hate Fox.....

And I think Knox is smart. I thought Knox doesn't do anything for him. Why he doesn't do anything for him? He doesn't angry? I was thinking about it. But he did something at last. He shut Fox into the bottle with tweetlw beatles!!!!

I think Fox is loser and Knox is winner!!

It was funny book <3

(200 words)

October 15, 2008

Favorite place ~My Room is the Best~

Which do you like the best in your house? Living room? Bath room? Kitchin?
I like my room the best in my house. I thinki it is my favorite place.

But at first, I didn't like my room when I moved here from Fukuoka because it was very scary for me then. I was a very very young, so I thought it was very a big room for me. And I thought there were ghosts in there. But I don't know why I was thinking about them... I always spent times in my room with my sister. If I want to go there, I asked my sister or mother "Please come to my room with me, please." Yeees, I really hate my room then.

But when I was pupil, I become very very like. I didn't know why. I studied in there and also I played game there. My room became good place which I can play with my friend.
I didn't think what there are ghosts in my room without notice. And I could go to my room by myself then. Yes, I have never asked anyone since then even if I want to go my room.

Now, I really love my room. It is not scary!! My room is very very comfortable. There are many things like TV, bed, CD player and so on. If I want to sleep or listening to music, reading books.........I can do manythings in my room.
And also there are many pictures of me and friends and family which took in school, America, Guam........So, I can remember the very good memories if I am in my room. When I am spending time in there, I always listening to music and looking pictures! The pictures make me happy becasue I remembered good memories by them.

In the addition, there are many mickey mouse things! I love mickey mouse, so if I see mickey mouse in my room, my feeling become good. It healed my mind. And there are things which American friends sent me. When I see them, I rememmber many good memories in America also.

I think my room is the best in my house, so I love my room!!!! Do you want to come and spend time with me? HA-HA

If you come to my room, I think you will think what "I don't want to go back home" because my room is the best! This room's owner is also good <3>
(460 words)


What I think about my room when I was kid.
Why I like my room


point of my room

  • I can relax
  • Mickey Mouse
  • there are many things
  • useful
  • I can do many things


Come to my room :)

October 11, 2008

BR2-4 : Cute boy but strong

I found this book in my University library. When I saw this book, I thought it is looks good for me because it is comic. So it is very easy for me to read. This is the reason why I borrowed this book from library.
First, I thought this book's English are difficult, but it was not. I could understand words' mean. Sometimes, I couldn't understand English. However I could imagine because there were pictures.

I think this book's boy is happy boy because he got special power sooner. And also I think the doctor was very bad because he through the baby to outside...... Can you imagine it?! But it is OK :) It is not real story. The main character Billy is very cute but he is very very strong. I think he will be good guy!!!!

Any way, I like all the character of this book. I like bad character also. This story was very funny for me. I was laughed by this book. And I think this book is very very easy for Japanese people. so if you have a time, you should read it :)

(191 words)

October 9, 2008

Pumpkins, Sake, Wireless LAN

October 4th-5th
I finished working at 9pm. Then I met Miyo. I went to back my house with her. We went to store for buy something on the our way. We bought sake and some snacks. And we met Risa. She also come to my house.
We get home at 10pm. We were very surprised because there are big pumpkins. My sister and her boyfriend bought them. And they were making Jack-o'-lantern. They were very cute. We took some

After that we started to dink and eat. I didn't eat anything after lunch, so I was very hungry. We ate Yakitori, goreen soybeans, snacks and so oon. We drunk ume liqueur and Kurokiru which kind of Sake. At first, we were nomal person.......... But we become funny person after that. We took pictures, movies on my camera. And we talked about many things. Sometimes, my brother come to our room and talked to us.

At 12pm, Risa said "I am caterpillar." Then, she muffled herself up well in a blanket. And we asked her "Ha-Ha. What are you doing?", but she didn't answer the question. And she didn't say anything after that.........YEEEEEES!! She was sleeping!! We were surprised because she said something and se slept sooooooooon! It was very funny.
Then, I and Miyo changed room because Risa was sleeping. We went to living room. And we talked there. Miyo did download itunes on my computer. So I could copy songs on my cellphone. My cell phone is very good because it like ipod. At 4am, we started to sleep.
The next day, I got up at 10am and I took the shower. After taking shower, I was sitting sofa and watching TV. Risa went to part-time-job. And Miyo was sleeping. She got up at 1pm. Then she took the shower. After that we went to tapioca shop which Risa was working. Whe ate that and we went to BEST DENKI (shop). We look for computer and apparatus for wireless. I bought it for my house. Next, we went back home and Miyo seted the wireless. It was very difficult for us, but she did it! She is smart <3.>

We went to Tamana again for have a dinner. We ate ちゃんぽん. It was very delicious :) After finished eating food, I took Miyo to her house. And we said "See you tomorrow". I went back home.
Saturday and Sunday were very good time for me!! I want to hang out with them again!! I think we will <3
(433 words)

October 8, 2008

Favorite place: Brainstorm 01

These words for "Favorite place"
Mickey Mouse
(15 words)

Favorite place: The best room

My favorite place is my room. I didn't like my room at first when I moved here from F***** because it was very scary for me then. But I don't know why I was scaryed by them... I always spended times in my room with my sister.

However I love my room now. It is not scary!! My room is very very comfortable. There are many things like TV, bed, CD player and so on. If I want to sleep or listening to music, reading books.........I can do manythings in my room.

And also there are many pictures of me and friends and family which took in school, America, Guam........So, I can remember the very good memories if I am in my room. When I am spending time in there, I always listening to music and looking pictures! The pictures make me happy becasue I remembered good memories by them.

In the addition, there are many mickey mouse things! I love mickey mouse, so if I see mickey mouse in my room, my feeling become good. It healed my mind. And there are things which American friends send me. When I see them, I rememmber many good memories in America.

I think my room is the best in my house, so I love my room!!!! Do you want to come and spend time with me? HA-HA

If you want, you can :) Please come to my room which my favorite place. I think you can spend very good time!!

(253 words)


Do you like to see the view?
I like them. YEEEES!!! My favorite activity is seeing view out side. The leaves turn in autumn, so there are very beautiful view in fall. I like to seeing those view. My town have very good spot where we can see view. I always go to there, and see the view. When I see them, I become happy even if I feel bad.
(70 words)

October 3, 2008

Zedd and Ponyo

Do you know blogpet? That is good. I am useing it and I am having pet on my blogs. I have a black トリフ and a cat. Those name are Ponyo and Zedd.

I knew this site when I saw Chie's blog. And she showed me her pet, pig, Cherry. That was very very cute, so I wanted to have a pet like her.

She taught me how to use that site. Then I made account and I got pets! There is Ponyo on this blog. And there is Zedd on secret blog.

If you want to get a pet on your blog, please ask me <3

(107 words)

Website review again!

Do you know Halloween and Thanks giving?
I think some Japanese people say YES, but they don't know about that history. They know just NAME. Japanese people doesn't know about it very much.
When I was elementary school student, I did Halloween party in English cram school. Then I costumed Kuchisakeonnna, so I know Halloween, but I also only know names.I don't know history. And I also didn't know about them very much. So I looked for website which written about it on google English. There are many websites. Then I found very good site! So I will introduce about it.

I think this website is good. You can know about Halloween if you look this site. For example, you will be able to know origins of Halloween and of course you will able to know history of Halloween. And That site's color is Halloween color, so you can enjoy see that also. And there are some pictures, so you can know mood of Halloween even if you don't know anything about it.
And what do you want to costume if you do Halloween party? I want to be a witch next.
You can also know about costume if you look this website!
Therefore, if look and read this website, you can learn about Halloween. If you want to know about it, you should look this website.

And I will also introduce other website which is written about Thanks Giving.
I didn't know about Thanks Giving, but I looked this. Then, I could understand some thing about it.
I think that web site's English is not difficult, so you can understand even if you can't understand English a lot.
Do you want to know when did Thanks Giveng at first?
Do you want to know who was starting it?
I was interested in it, so I looked and read this website. It was very, very good for me to learn about it. If you also interested in Thanks Giving, you should look and read this website like me! I think you can spend a very good time at that time.
I like those website. They are very interesting. And it is also useful for our knowledge.
Halloween and Thanks Giving are not Japanese culture, but we should know about other countries culture. Internet can tell me many things which is not our country's culture, so we should hear about other culture like Halloween and Thanks Giving!

(430 words)