May 3, 2008


I did BBQ with my family and sister, brother and their boyfriend and girlfriend. OF COURSE I don't have boyfriend, but I joined it. Sister's boyfriend and my brother and father roasted meat and vegetable. I just ate, because I have fever. I became full soon. My parents and sister's boyfriend drunk. I also wanted to dink, but I have cold, so I couldn't.
Then I came into the house and now writing this diary.

Now, My temperature is going up, so I have to go to bed....
See you again.

(95 words)

1 comment:

dumpling said...

Did you enjoy?
I wanna join you guy though..haha:)
I also ate alot of meeeet day before yesterday at my house!haha i mean, i did BBQ! yeah! my favorite food yo!
have a good day!