May 6, 2008

What your Happiness

What your happiness??
What do you think about happiness? I am happy now, but I didn't know what happiness is. After I saw one movie, I learnd what is happiness.

Have you ever seen to this movie? This movie's title is "The Pursuit of Happyness". I saw this movie today. It was so good. Will Smith is playing the leading character, name is Chris Gardner. And also his real son playing the leading character, name is Christopher. Gardner had wife amd child but his wife went away somewhere because he wasn't doing OK on his work. Gardner and his son, Christopher were sometimes didn't have house,so they stayed at bath room at station. And sometimes were stayed at church. He got training at bill company. If he is doing good well, he can work there after finish induction, so he do his best. Then he got job and GOD HAPPINES. I learnd something from this movie. First, I learnd what important to live in earth is. It is "NEVER GIVE UP". I decided to never give up whwn I do something. Next, I learnd what Never betray if we effort to do. Real happiness is not get money, and also not get good level. Yes! We can't buy happiness by money. I can say now " I have Happiness" because I have good family and friend. I can effort to someting.

If you have a time, please see this movie, and you can learn some important things.

(252 words)

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