May 22, 2008


I watch news on TV. They reported about police officer is in great trouble by annoying call. If we had a real accident, we call 110. However, it is increase what call for them by not precious accident.

For example, the woman called the police for ask help because her son doesn't eat any things, so she called them. And other example is so unbelievable. The young woman call them and said

" I forgot my house's key, please help me."

Then police man said "Where are you in now?"

"I'm in my house......" she said.

Police man said " It is OK, you don't need key".

After that she said

"NO,NO,NO, I forgot my key, so I can't go anywhere because I can't lock house with key if I go to some, please help me..."

This is nonfiction. When I watched this news on TV, I wondered at it.

Normally, police offer help for person who has difficult probrem like robber, crash sccident and so on. However this case has increased recentry. I can't belive it and understand why everyone call police with easy probrem.......
What do you think about it?

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