May 19, 2008


Today is special day because I married...............!!!!!
This picture is a piece of evidence.

Before starting fourth period classes, I met a friend, name is M***. I talked with M***. Then M*** gave me a present. It was ring. It was very cute.....I think :) There isn't same it all over the world. I was so happy... M*** also had it. Yes!! We are taking it same design. M*** made it for me and own. Thanks M*** !!!!!

..................hahaha. It is joke. M*** is girl. Guess what? Yes, I didn't marry with any boy. I am sorry that I said lie. However, this ring was made by M*** is real story ;) Do you want to get one!? If you want to it, please ask me or her. It is very easy to make. Everyone can make it.

Again, I didn't marry with any boy.

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