August 8, 2008

Good for Me

"If you know what you're doing and feel good about it, you never regret it. If you get talked into something you always regret it."

I love this word. Cindy Croawford said it. i think it is true. I always regret if get talked into something. However, if I decided and did. I never regret.

I wan to do many things even if people disagree with me. actually, I go to America this summer with friend. But my aprents were gainst the this plan at first. However, I talk about it many time. Finally, my parents agree with me.

I never give up if I want to do something. And, I believe own idea.

Any way, I went to Arao with C****** because we have to shopping for go to America. We bought Zinbei, Yukata and so on. We ate ice cream. It is so delicious and good price. It is cheep and great topping.
(156 words)

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