August 30, 2008


August 14th-15th

We slep at 3:00am yesterday because we didn't want to get jet leg, so we contorol the time.
We got up at 6:ooam. I was sleepy but I was happy. We left house at 6:30 am.

We didn't eat break fast,so we ate it in the Airport. I ate Natto-set. It is Japanese food. I have a one reason why I choose one that I thought I can't eat Japanese food for a while.

At 9:30 am, we left at Fukuoka Airport to Kansai International Airport. Then we changed International line and we left at Kansai International Airport to Metropolitan Airport at 12:50pm in Japanese time.

I ate meal......That was very bad taste....but I liked cake.
I slept 2:00pm-18:00pm.
I was very boring now, so I was writting the diary for blog on the note. Next, I will read book for book review.
See you later.
(161 words)

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