August 7, 2008

Good Day

I got up at 9:30am. I had a plan for today.
I went to K******* and I met S***** who is my friend, C***'s boyfriend.
C*** went to funeral, so we waited for her. I and S***** watched "Kung-fu Panda"
Do you know it? Main character is Poe which is Panda.... He is working in Chinese noodles restaurant. He want to do Kung-fu. And he think "I want to be a kung-fu master..." Then.....
It was very funny. Many castomer was laughing. And I also laughed.... This movie gave us a feeling of satisfaction.
After finished the movie, we went to C***'s house because she got back home. We arrived at C***'s house and we enjoyed talking and playing with Milktea which is her pet, dog. She is so cute. I want to get pet as her.

Then, we went to ポムの樹 because we were hungry.... we ate omelt containing frided rice. It was so dericiouse. There were poteto and cheese. I have finished eat soon.

After that, I and C*** ate dessart. C*** ate "Melon Soda". And I ate "Powder green tea parfait". It was small. I love powder green tea and Shiratama. That parfait was great because powdered green tea and Shiratama into the it. It was very good tast.

Then, we went to ダイエー and look around the shop. we took Prikura. And I went to the book store. Time came what we have to go back to the home, so I said bye-bye for them and started go back home.

Today became very good day by C*** and her boyfriend. We thought that we will go aso at fast. However we didn't have time. Therefore, we hung out near our town.

I could spend for good day. I want to hung out with them again.

(306 words)

1 comment:

chie said...

Ina!!! I read it now.

Thank you very much! I can't thank you enough :-) I enjoyed that day because of you!! I'm looking forward to visiting to Aso!

Have a good summer vacation X-)