May 29, 2008

Tomorrow is Holiday

Today, I went to school of course. However I didn't want to go school because today was very hot, but I thought " I have to go!! I go to school, and I cab get holiday!!" Yes!! Tomorrow is holiday. I have a plan what is go to TGH which is my old school of high school. There are only girl student..... Guess what!? YEEEEEEEEEEEES!!! I went to girls' high school. I loved there, so I will go to there with T****** tomorrow. She was my class mate. Then we will go restaurant for lunch. We don't still decided to place when we have lunch, so we have to do it. I want to eat dericiouse foods. I will write about it if we found good restaurant.

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May 27, 2008


Look at this picture!!!

It is so cute. I made its. Its are body puzzles. Its are a little difficult, but it is fun.

When I was 18 years old, I bought it at first. Then I bought 4 puzzles. I have loved puzzles since I was kid . My mother and father gave me puzzle many time, and I did it. I think puzzles are good for brain. I will give puzzle if I got baby. I want my children to do pazzles many time in the future.

Any way, this picture's puzzles can become good things when we adorn own room with that. It os so cute. YES!!! this puzzles are not only good for brain but also good for decoration.

Why don't you try one?

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my other classes

There are many subjects in my other classes. For example, international low, Chinese, Spanish and so on. All subject are very difficult especially Chinese. It is very very difficult. I can't understand some grammar, but I can understand Kanji. It is a little different from Japan. However no problem. I am interested in international low because it is very useful. It is very difficult, so I study hard. If I could not understand, I ask teacher. I changed my attitude beside last year. It is good. I am thinking what I want to know many things.

May 24, 2008

BR 1-10: Wenny and Will

I bought this book when I was junior high school student, because I like this picture. This story was very sad, but it gave me power.

Weny and Will are brothers. They are very friendly. They are always play together. One day, Weny and Will were in a clash accident. Track clashed to them. They went to heaven, but they were laughing in there. They looked so happy. Why they were laughing??? I couldn't understand why they were laughing. Can you understand it??? They died.... Why they laughing because they didn't know that they died. Wenny strayed from Will on the way. He cried that " come back". Then Will returned this world. Will and Wenny's parents became very sad because Wenny died. What do you think about Wills' feeling? I thought he had complexity feeling because only Will survived the accident. After that Will decided to write letter to Wenny. He wrote letter everyday...... Of course he couldn't get letter from Wenny....

Wenny was happy girl because everyone loved her. If I were Will , I would be very sad and I couldn't anything...But Will did something for Wenny. He is very good boy. I never find out the boy like him if I look around the world.... If your brother or sister died like this story, what do you do?? I will just cry... I think.

I learned from this book what the meaning of living in this world. I want to live like him. I do my best for everything, and I never waste time.

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May 22, 2008


I watch news on TV. They reported about police officer is in great trouble by annoying call. If we had a real accident, we call 110. However, it is increase what call for them by not precious accident.

For example, the woman called the police for ask help because her son doesn't eat any things, so she called them. And other example is so unbelievable. The young woman call them and said

" I forgot my house's key, please help me."

Then police man said "Where are you in now?"

"I'm in my house......" she said.

Police man said " It is OK, you don't need key".

After that she said

"NO,NO,NO, I forgot my key, so I can't go anywhere because I can't lock house with key if I go to some, please help me..."

This is nonfiction. When I watched this news on TV, I wondered at it.

Normally, police offer help for person who has difficult probrem like robber, crash sccident and so on. However this case has increased recentry. I can't belive it and understand why everyone call police with easy probrem.......
What do you think about it?

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May 20, 2008

BR 1-09: Purse

I read this book. It was so interesting.

First, I thought it is good for Mark what he found a purse and met owner of it. Then I fortecasted that he and she would be boyfriend and girlfriend. However, I guessed wrong. At last, he said " I didn't want to meet her.

If I was in that situation, I would do same behave, so I could understand his feeling.

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How to Study

First, when I study English, I use computer. My school gave me English software what name is ALC. It is so good software. I can remenber many words if I use it. However, I have to spend many time if I use it, so if I have a time, I do that. Next, I use taxt book. There are many things. I love library's book in KGU. It is so good for me. Fanally, I listen to English with my CD or MD when I study English. It is very good for English listening practice. I hear story in English or music of America. I can lean listening and also grammer.



May 19, 2008


Today is special day because I married...............!!!!!
This picture is a piece of evidence.

Before starting fourth period classes, I met a friend, name is M***. I talked with M***. Then M*** gave me a present. It was ring. It was very cute.....I think :) There isn't same it all over the world. I was so happy... M*** also had it. Yes!! We are taking it same design. M*** made it for me and own. Thanks M*** !!!!!

..................hahaha. It is joke. M*** is girl. Guess what? Yes, I didn't marry with any boy. I am sorry that I said lie. However, this ring was made by M*** is real story ;) Do you want to get one!? If you want to it, please ask me or her. It is very easy to make. Everyone can make it.

Again, I didn't marry with any boy.

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May 18, 2008

Good day

Today, I got up at seven o'clck because I had a test what kind of English. I took TOEFL. It was so difficult. I coudn't understand some English, but I did my best. After finished taking test, I went to town for shopping. I didn't go there long time ago. I looked around many shops and clothes and stationery. There were many cute things. I found out cute T-shirt and pierced earring. I bought its. I love it. At about four thirty, I started to go back home. I dropped in at a supermarket on my way go back to home. I bought cheese and pizza sauce and so on because my sister asked me it.

I washed my car before arrived at home. My car was very destiny. I washed it very hard. Then, my car became very beautiful. My car is the best of all!!!!! I love my car :) Everyone of my family member came back home, so we cooked for our dinner. Today was pizza and pasta party. My sister made pizza and my brother made pizza. They can cook very well, but I can't cook very well, so I did assistant. After that my sister's boyfriend came and helps us. My parents just watched TV. Today, they were holiday. We can made many dishes. It was handmade dishes. We ate everything. It was so derisiouse.

I had a very very good time!!

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BR 1-08: For Beautiful Earth

I could understand about Chip and Wilf want to sleep on top bunk. I had said same things when I was kids. I don't know whey top bunk is good. If there are oil in sea, it is so dangerous for us and animal, so we shouldn't stain with oil and rubbish and we should keep beautifully sea and earth.

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May 17, 2008

Busy, but Interesting

Today, I will introduce my university life. My university life is so busy, but fun. I go to KGU. They have many faculties. I am majoring English. University's mood is very good. There are many natures. I love university's garden. Every morning, I get up at six o'clock. I say “I’m sleepy”to my mother everyday. I eat breakfast and I go to university by car and train. There are many people and crow on the train, so sometimes I become hate ride on it. I arrive at station where near my university. Then we walk for go to school. We arrive at school at about eight forty five. I check billboard of my department. Then I go to room where is done first period.

First period is start at nine o'clock. I learn many kind of subject. I learn international law, Spanish, Chinese and so on. I also learn such English as speaking, writing, reading and listening. All subjects are very difficult for me, but I make every effort to master. Studying many things is very difficult, but it is interesting. After second period, I have a lunch time. I eat lunch which is made by my mother with my friend. We enjoy eating lunch and talking. Then, third period start at 13 o'clock. I become sleepy at that time. However, I refrain from it. Finally, I take fourth period classes. After that I go back home.

I ride on train at four fifty everyday. There are many people but not more than morning train. Sometimes I can sit in the seat, but sometimes I have to stand up. When I have to do it, I get tired. I am so happy if I can sit at seat. I do a review of the last lesson after go back home. Then I go to bet at one o'clock.

I spend my university life thus. It is so busy and so hard, but it is all for me. Therefore, I have to do my best. I believe that if I do my possible, I can dream come true in the future, so I never idle about own university life. I don't waste time on my university life. Why don't you also cherish your university life?

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May 14, 2008

True Love

Do you know this movie?
This movie's title is "The NOTEBOOK" .
I love this movie. I saw it last year. I didn't think that it is interesting, but I had interested in it. I don't know why I had interested in it. Starting watched it and, I was absorbed in watching it.

There were old man and woman in nursing home. The man was read book for woman. The man everyday met to her and read the book.
The book's content was love story. She was interested in that, so listen to it so seriously.......

The girl who name was Allie Hamilton and the man who name was Noah Calhoun loved each other, but they were separated by Allie's parents who disapprove of Noah's unwealthy family, and move Allie away. Therefore, They couldn't meet any more, so Noah sent letter everyday, but Allie's mom was not hand her it, accordingly she never got letter from him. After seven years, she met handsome young soldier named Lon. Lon loved her and made proposal. Allie said OK because she didn't know Noah send her letter. When she looked Noah in news paper, she wanted to meet him again before marry, so she did. Guess what?? What happen to her and him................ Yes!! She loved him again and also he did.

This story was told to older woman by older man. She remembered something and she said "Is this story your and my story?" Yes!!! This story is their story. She is forgot everything, of course about Noah, so Noah decided to talk about theirs. Finally, She remember about him...

I love this movie. Noah is so good man, I think. I never think about there are relationship with position for Love. Recently, some people worry about educational background when people chose boyfriend or girlfriend. I think it is a senseless behavior. Why some people judge to people by academic background and status and so on. I think that the academic background and the position, etc. are quite unrelated to judge the person. True love is to understand each other .

Any way, this movie was very good. I want to watch it again. If I have free time, I will spend for it. Please watch it if you have a time:D

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May 13, 2008


This is the my doll. This name is Dirk.

I went to Washington D.C. when I was high school student. There were five people in my host family, Mom, Dad, older sister and younger brother. And also there was the dog, Dirk. It was very cute. I enjoyed trip in America with my host family and American friend. Then, I had to go back Japan. I didn't want to go back home, so I was very sad. After that my host family gave me presents, book, letter, T-shirt and doll. I loved all, especially, the doll was very cute. I loved it. It is looks like host family's pet Dirk, so I named Dirk. Yes!! Photo is Dirk of doll. Is it cute, isn't it?

My favorite doll is that now. When I am sad, I talk with him... Of course he don't answer, but it is O.K. I hold it when I sleep. It is so soft.

It is important for me, so I never part with it !!

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May 12, 2008

BR 1-07: Real Monkey!?

I read this book. Title is "Junie B. Jones and Little Monkey Business". I like this series.
Junie B was heard about her new brother fro her parents. She thought "that too bad". I couldn't understand about why she didn't want to get new brother. I am youngest sister in my family, so I wanted to get younger sister or brother. If I got them, I was so HAPPY. Scene of Junie B and grandfather were waiting baby at home looks very funny. Her grandfather is so good. If I same do with Junie, maybe my grandfather would be angry...

Any way, it was so funny what Junie B thought "My new brother is real Monkey!" She heard about baby from her grandmother what she said that "Your new brother is the cutest little monkey I've ever seen!" Then, she told about new brother to her friend, Lucie and Grace. They didn't believe brother is Monkey, so Junie B told very definitely. After that, Junie B got many matters and she makd teacher angry. And she went to principal's room. I think Mr. Punishment is good teacher. I could satisfy what "real monkey's mean is just CUTE!" When I read it, I was smiled and I thought "Ah... I couldn't imagine like this. I just thought that mean is similar to monkey"

Junie B's conduct is very cute. I love her, but if she was my real sister, I would be angry for her....maybe... However, I like. I reassured myself about she understood about real Monkey and became happy.
I could enjoy reading this book. I want to be purely character like her. I became fan of Junie B Jones's book.

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May 11, 2008

Mom's Day

Do you know what day today? Guess What?

Today is May 11th, second Sunday of May. Do you remember? Yes!! Today is Mother's Day.

I got up at nine o'clock. My sister already got up when I was got up. I ate breakfast and washed the face. Then I went to shopping by my car with my sister. At first, we went to shopping mall and saw flower for mother. I and my sister decided to buy rose for Mother's Day. Then we bought it. Next, we went to sundries shop. I bought cell phone's ring to Mom. After that, we were hungry, so we went Mac and bought new kind of hamburger. It taste was good :) We went back home. We gave present to my Mom. Mom said Thank you and she looks HAPPY, so we also became Happy.

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May 10, 2008

BR 1-06: Yellow Bus

I like Barbara Park's painting, so I borough this book in library of KGU. I thought it is difficult to read this book for me at first time, but it is easy. I could understand this story. I love B. I thought she is good girl before read it. However she is naughty girl. I couldn't understand what she doesn't like yellow bus, but finally I understood why she didn't like it. She has a just one reason what she didn't have a friend when she ride on bus, but she got new friend, so she would be happy on the bus.

By the way, I was surprised to her trick and i thought she has courage because she could go anywhere in school. I didn't go to sick bay where nobody there aren't when I was child in the lower grades. In addition, I hadn't thought what do trick. It is impossible that I call the emergency services like B. It was allow to her matter because it is only book's stories. If we do same trick with B, it will be never allow it...

I could enjoy to read this book. I will read Part2 of this book :)

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May 8, 2008

What Happen for Cinderella?

Do you believe the person of own fate to exist?

Cinderella believed it.

I watched this movie. Title is "Cinderella Ⅲ". I didn't know there is Cinderella Ⅲ before I go rental shop, but I found out it. I was interested in it, so I retailed it. After watched it, I thought that Cinderella is so good woman.

Cinderella and Prince lived in castle and they were so happy. However, they were separated by Tremaine and Anastasia and Drizella. Anastasia stole stick of magic, and Tremaine thought " Let return the time before Cinderella marry with prince by magic. Then she did, so Cinderella returned the servant. What happened after that? Guess what? Anastasia was chosen marriage partner of prince by magic again. I was angry for it. Why use masic? It is so coward. Prince forgot all about Cinderella. He couldn't remember about her. Cinderella was very sad. However she kept beliving him. Gus and Jaq helped her. Then he understood all about magic, Anastasia and Cinderella. He went to help her. Then, they marry. After that I was surprise because Anastasia apologized for Cinderella. She became good woman, I think.
Cinderella was belived him, so she could marry with him.

Believing someone is very important.
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Right Myself

Hi, How are you everyone?
I had been cold until yesterday, but I am doing OK now.
My mother bought medicine for me and drunk it therefore I righted myself.
Thank you Mom :)

When I was cold, I was so tired but I had to go part-time-job. It was so bad.
I never want to be cold...never.... But it is impossible. I take care myself.

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May 6, 2008

What your Happiness

What your happiness??
What do you think about happiness? I am happy now, but I didn't know what happiness is. After I saw one movie, I learnd what is happiness.

Have you ever seen to this movie? This movie's title is "The Pursuit of Happyness". I saw this movie today. It was so good. Will Smith is playing the leading character, name is Chris Gardner. And also his real son playing the leading character, name is Christopher. Gardner had wife amd child but his wife went away somewhere because he wasn't doing OK on his work. Gardner and his son, Christopher were sometimes didn't have house,so they stayed at bath room at station. And sometimes were stayed at church. He got training at bill company. If he is doing good well, he can work there after finish induction, so he do his best. Then he got job and GOD HAPPINES. I learnd something from this movie. First, I learnd what important to live in earth is. It is "NEVER GIVE UP". I decided to never give up whwn I do something. Next, I learnd what Never betray if we effort to do. Real happiness is not get money, and also not get good level. Yes! We can't buy happiness by money. I can say now " I have Happiness" because I have good family and friend. I can effort to someting.

If you have a time, please see this movie, and you can learn some important things.

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May 5, 2008


My food and eating habits are good for health because every meal are made by mother. I don't have hate food. I like all things. The meal which my mother made is well-balanced diet for health. Recently, convenience store's meals are popular, and many children buy and eat.But it is not good for health. Resent children like there's meal than Mon's meal. And there are many fat children in Japan because they eat many food like not well-balanced. If we always eat convenience store's, we will die soon, so we have to think about food and Eating habits.

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May 3, 2008


I did BBQ with my family and sister, brother and their boyfriend and girlfriend. OF COURSE I don't have boyfriend, but I joined it. Sister's boyfriend and my brother and father roasted meat and vegetable. I just ate, because I have fever. I became full soon. My parents and sister's boyfriend drunk. I also wanted to dink, but I have cold, so I couldn't.
Then I came into the house and now writing this diary.

Now, My temperature is going up, so I have to go to bed....
See you again.

(95 words)

Have you ever watched Shrek?

I will introduce for Shrek of movie.
Main characters are Shrek which is green monster, Fiona who is princess, Donkey which can speak language , Farquadd who wants be a king and Dragon which guard Fiona. Minor Character are The Gingerbread Man, Pinocchio and so on.

Shreck lives in swamp alone because he thought that good for me it. Everyone hate Shrek. He never tried to make friends. But one day, Donkey appeared before his eyes. Donkey ran away from soldier. They chased Donkey because they knew he can speak language. Shrek helped Donkey, so Donkey became like him. Therefor, Donkey followed him. Shrek didn't want Donkey to follow and didn't like him, but Shrek a little worried about Donkey.

Next morning, when shrek went out from house, he was surprise because everyone came to his swamp from fairyland. At that same time, Farquadd was looking for a match for become king. Then he decided to Fiona, but he was heard that "if you didn't help Fiona, you can't marry with Fiona, so you should help her" from Mirror man. He got good idea that he send a most strong soldier.

Shrek which occupations swamp and Donkey went to fairyland for take back broad. Farquadd looked them and he said to solider "Kill them!" Shrek and Donkey fought. They won and they were the most strong in somebody. Shrek told "Farquadd to please take may broad". Farquadd had a good idea. "If you want to take back swamp, you go to castle where Dragon is living for guard Fiona". Shrek and Donkey went to there.

They arrived at there, and Donkey took Charge of Look for stairs and shreck took charge of Dragon. However Donkey encounter with Dragon. Donkey didn't know what it have to do. He made advances for Dragon for the time being. Shrek met Fiona and helps her. After that, Shrek fought Dragon for help Donkey. They could steal out of the castle safely.

They went back to Farquadd, but Fiona thought Shrek is my fiance, so Shrek explain all things. They continue on walk. When became evening, Fiona suggested to stay overnight at cave. She is hid herself from Donkey and Shrek before sunset. The next day, Sherek hurt because it helped her. Their atmosphere became good. After that, Shrek started hurrying, but Fiona didn't want to it. She hid herself from them like before day. Donkey went to Fiona's room and surprised to know one big matter. She became monster like Shrek. Donkey heard about this from her. She said “I have two face, one face is beautiful and other is like this. By night one way, by day another. This shall be the norm... Witch practiced magic to me.

"Until find true love's first kiss and then take love's true form."

Fiona mistook what I am a princess but I become monster at night, so I have to marry with Farkadd and take true form. Therefor she thought that can't love shrek. Shrek heard some words from conversation of Donkey and Fiona like I can't marry with monster like Shrek. It was angry and went away. Fiona decided to tell Shrek to true form, so she went out and looked for Shrek, but it was late because shrek went some where.

In the morning, Shrek was still angry. Donkey and Fiona didn't know anything why he is angry. Shrek called for Farquadd and gave up Fiona. Then Shrek demanded return the swamp. Farquadd return it and preparation to wedding with Fiona. Shrek went back former house and Donkey followed Shrek, but Shrek was angry, so drove out it. However, Donkey came Shrek's house again and wanted to tell about Fiona, but Donkey promised with her what never say her secret, so it was puzzle. Shrek mistook about Fiona and thought Donkey is traitor, so Shek thought Donkey is not my friend, but Donkey thought we are friends.

"That's what friends do! They forgive each other. Fiona loves you."
Donkey said it. Then Shrek said sorry and made up a quarrel. Donkey said everything and advised that take back to her. Donkey called Dragon and it took them to place where do wedding for Farquadd and Fiona. Shrek came in there and said what "I object!" Fiona, Farquadd and also guest were surprise. Shrek said what I love you. After that Fiona changed monster like Shrek, so everyone surprised and Farquadd and solider tried catch them. However, Dragon and Donkey helped Shrek and Fiona. Fiona and Shrek were joined in kiss. Fiona thought I can become true form like beautiful woman, but became monster. Her true form was not beautiful but monster. Finally, Shrek got lover and also good friend like Donkey.

I thought this story is good for everyone and this story tells many things. First, some people judge by appearances like character of Shrek, but everyone doesn't notice it is bad. However, this movie tells everyone to it. Donkey and Fiona don’t judge by appearances. We should also be good people like them. I promised that don’t judge by appearances after watched this movie. Next, the relationship between Shrek and Donkey is perfect. I could understand that if fight trouble together, bore true friend ship like Shrek and Donkey. Finally, this movie tells everyone to “Love”. Getting true lover get is so difficult but it is normal. If I got true lover soon it is not interesting. I want to get good relation like Fiona and Shrek in the future. Anyway, this movie more easy for understand about it even if watch kids. I think that children’s parents and teachers should show Shrek for education.

I will put a period to introduce to movie of Shrek.
Lastly, you should watch this movie.

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Outline for essey

☆Title: "Shrek"

main characters: Shrek, Donkey, Fiona, Farquadd, Dragon
sub-characters:Pinocchio, Cinderella, Snow White, The Wolf and so on.

Beginning: start of matter
Middle: adventure, secret of Fioa
Happning:Marriage ceremony
End of story


☆Themes of this story