August 31, 2008

Library or Book Store?

August 15th
Today, I got up at 6:00am because I had a jet-reg, so I couldn't sleep well.
At 9:00am, I downed stare for breakfast. Today's breakfast was egg, maffin, and so on.

After finished eating breakfast, we walked with Dirk which is pet, dog. I took some pictures.

After that, we went to some book store. I was surprised to know american book store is so good place. Of course, there were many books. In the addition, there were coffee shop. We can order some drink there. Then, we can read books which we don't pay for it like library.... It was so great. There aren't book store like that in Japan. I think....If there are store like that in Japan, everyone will go there and everyone won't buy book....just read there. But if there are it, I will go.

I like children books, so I looking for it. There were many cute books. I decided to buy some books. I love it... Mickey Mouse is my favorite character. And Taj recommended Mr. Seuss.

At night, we went to Jane's house for dinner. Then, I me Matt and Ben and Alex!!! They were good. We ate pizza. Chinatsu and I gave everyone to Yukata or Jinbei. Everyone wore it and took the picture.

Aftter the dinner, we went to park and played frisbee. It was very interesting.

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August 30, 2008

Met Host Family and Friends

August 15th (American Time)
We arrived at Whashing Airport. Leon who was sitting on next to my seat on the plain was helping us. He was hard of hearing, so we used cellphone and talk with him.

After that, we were looking for our bag and lokking for our host family and friends.
I heard someone's voice which I have heard it before. YES!!! My host family and friends came to Airport. They took us to thier house.

Now, I will introduce about my host family and friends.
There are four people in my host family. Rickey who is host father, Cheryl who is host mother, Taj who is host sister and Jamal who is host brother. He is same age with me.

Alun who can speak Japanese, Teddy who can play the guiter very well, Ben who is our ALT when we were high school students, Paul's cousin and Matt who is very cherming and we met him two years ago and Rasa who is Teddy's sister are all my American friends. And Jane and Ted are other host family and also my friends.
This night, Teddy and Alun, Jane, Ted came to Cheryl's house and ate dinner. It was very good time.

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August 14th-15th

We slep at 3:00am yesterday because we didn't want to get jet leg, so we contorol the time.
We got up at 6:ooam. I was sleepy but I was happy. We left house at 6:30 am.

We didn't eat break fast,so we ate it in the Airport. I ate Natto-set. It is Japanese food. I have a one reason why I choose one that I thought I can't eat Japanese food for a while.

At 9:30 am, we left at Fukuoka Airport to Kansai International Airport. Then we changed International line and we left at Kansai International Airport to Metropolitan Airport at 12:50pm in Japanese time.

I ate meal......That was very bad taste....but I liked cake.
I slept 2:00pm-18:00pm.
I was very boring now, so I was writting the diary for blog on the note. Next, I will read book for book review.
See you later.
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for America

August 13th

I went to grand mother's home in Fukuoka. And I said see you again because I go to America for two weeks. After that, I and my parents went to Kurume because I had to ride the train.

I met Chinatsu and go back her house. We talked about tomorrow. I am so happy what we can go America tomorrow.

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August 22, 2008


I am in North Carolina.
it is very very good place!!!!

August 12, 2008


I am Manager of local soft ball team. There are 10 or 20 people in that team. Some friends are same age and other is yanger than me.

Today, we went to en屋 which is Izakaya without yanger membr because yanger member can't grinking.

R****** Who is good pitcher, S**** who is captain of team, S**** who is good player, T**** who is our senior and H***** who is also manager cam en屋. We were drinking and enjoyed talking. Boys like Pachinko, so they talked about it, but girls don't like it, so we were boring......ahaha

We dicided to do game with other soft ball team on September 15th because this day is R******'s birthday. And also we will do birthday party for him.

After two or three hours, we started go back home. I ride the S****'s car because he didn't drink. He took me my house. And we said good bye.

I could very good time.

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August 8, 2008

Good for Me

"If you know what you're doing and feel good about it, you never regret it. If you get talked into something you always regret it."

I love this word. Cindy Croawford said it. i think it is true. I always regret if get talked into something. However, if I decided and did. I never regret.

I wan to do many things even if people disagree with me. actually, I go to America this summer with friend. But my aprents were gainst the this plan at first. However, I talk about it many time. Finally, my parents agree with me.

I never give up if I want to do something. And, I believe own idea.

Any way, I went to Arao with C****** because we have to shopping for go to America. We bought Zinbei, Yukata and so on. We ate ice cream. It is so delicious and good price. It is cheep and great topping.
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August 7, 2008

Good Day

I got up at 9:30am. I had a plan for today.
I went to K******* and I met S***** who is my friend, C***'s boyfriend.
C*** went to funeral, so we waited for her. I and S***** watched "Kung-fu Panda"
Do you know it? Main character is Poe which is Panda.... He is working in Chinese noodles restaurant. He want to do Kung-fu. And he think "I want to be a kung-fu master..." Then.....
It was very funny. Many castomer was laughing. And I also laughed.... This movie gave us a feeling of satisfaction.
After finished the movie, we went to C***'s house because she got back home. We arrived at C***'s house and we enjoyed talking and playing with Milktea which is her pet, dog. She is so cute. I want to get pet as her.

Then, we went to ポムの樹 because we were hungry.... we ate omelt containing frided rice. It was so dericiouse. There were poteto and cheese. I have finished eat soon.

After that, I and C*** ate dessart. C*** ate "Melon Soda". And I ate "Powder green tea parfait". It was small. I love powder green tea and Shiratama. That parfait was great because powdered green tea and Shiratama into the it. It was very good tast.

Then, we went to ダイエー and look around the shop. we took Prikura. And I went to the book store. Time came what we have to go back to the home, so I said bye-bye for them and started go back home.

Today became very good day by C*** and her boyfriend. We thought that we will go aso at fast. However we didn't have time. Therefore, we hung out near our town.

I could spend for good day. I want to hung out with them again.

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August 6, 2008

About My Life

Do you know K*****? It is my town. They have very good nature and good view.

When I was 5 years old, I moved to K******* from F******. I loved F****** and friends who lived in there, so I didn't want to go K******* and didn't want to live there.... I was crying when I have to leave F******. Then, my life of K******* started.

At first, I didn't like there because I didn't have any friends and I didn't know everything. I always played with my brother or sister or parents. I started go preschool. I couldn't understand their language because they talk with dialect.... I was very scary.... However, a girl came and talked with me, so I was very happy. After that, I became accustomed to go to preschool. And I made many friends.

My best friend, C****** was going to same preschool with me. However, I didn't remember that about her. I don't have picture when we took it in infancy. I graduated in preschool in 1995.
I entered elementary school. Then, I always play with C******** because my house and her house is near. I belonged to basketball club and C******* also belonged it. When I was six grade, I became captain of them. I loved basketball.

In 2001, April, I entered K******* junior high school. I was thinking about club many time. I didn't know what I should belong to club. Finally, I decided to belonging to soft-tennis club. I practice everyday. I was very weak player at fast. However, I got second prize prefecture tournament. I was very happy. In addition, I did captain of soft-tennis club. It was very difficult, but I liked it.

I went to T.G.H. after graduate from Junior High School. I didn't like school at first. However, I found the good school life with C*******. We went to America and made American friends. We studied for test and we got the top of the class. I did captain of T.G.H. , so I read farewell speech and address in reply. It became good experience.

Now, I am University student. I have a dream, so I am studying very hard. I want to be an English teacher for kids. I will go overseas and study English and many kind of cultures.

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August 5, 2008


Today, I went to part-time-job in the morning, but I didn't have part-time-job in the after noon, so I went to shop. I wanted to buy cap. Therefore, I was looking for it. I went to many shop..... Finally, I found nice cap, so I bought it!! That cap's color is pink and White. It is cute, I think...
And next, I went to UNIQLO. There are many clothes. I bought a T-shirt more cheaply.

Any way, after 9 days, I go to America!!!! I can't wait until then.
My host family said, you can go many places and swim in beach. I am so HAPPY.
C******* who is my best friend. I go to America with her. She is NGU. She finished her exam, so she started to summer vacation. She will go back home in Ku****** from Fu*****. Then, we will shopping for buy present for host family and American friends.

I am looking forward to everything.

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August 4, 2008

About My Students

I have a part-time-job. I am a teacher for junior high school students and pupil as home-teacher.
I have four students. Three students are junior high school student and a student is pupil.
I teach all subjects, especially Math and English.

I will talk about pupil. She is 8 years old. Her name is Y***.
Her name is also her parents's hotel's name.
She is smart. Why she do this system? She wants to take an exam for junior high school.

Some times, she is angry when she can't answer......then I am puzzle about it.
I am smile for the time being because I can't do ather things for her. She is so cute even if she angry. I love her.

I say you, I love all students, not only Y***.

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August 3, 2008

Wow :)

There are four people who are Amanda, Miles, Iris and Graham. Amanda is manage of company and she had boyfriend, but they were broken out. Miles who makes music for movie and he is Amanda's friend. Iris who is normal woman and one-sided love Jaspher who is same company with her. Graham who has two children but he doesn't have wife because she died.....

Amanda and Iris have same experiences what they broken heart. Amanda is looking for good idea in Internet because she wants go a distant country. She found out the "Rental house" system and good house in London. That house's owner is Iris. Amanda send E-mail and ask about Rental House system. Iris was also thinking about want to go a distant country. Amanda's house is in L.A, so she said OK. Then, they changed house just two weeks.....

Amanda's house is very big, so Iris is surprise. And Iris's house is small. It bore Amanda.
One day, the chimes ring, so Amanda open the door. There is a man who is Graham. And also Iris's house ring, so Iris open the door. There is a man who is Miles. After that four people.......

I think this movie is good. I didn't think there aren't accident like this. Amanda and Iris are JUST E-mail friends, however they changed their house for two weeks. I can't believe it. I will never do as it...... This movie was nice. But it is not so good, just good. When I watched CM, I thought it looks very nice! I want to see!! Then I watched......... If you have a time, please watch this movie.

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Cake and Drunk

Today, I went to Kumamoto City and I bought present for Host-family.
Then, I met M*** and hung out with her. After that, we went to cake shop and we bought a cake. I bought cute cake.
It was very delicious. M*** bought Gateau chocolate.
I ate it a little. It was also delicious.
We enjoyed talking and eating cake. And I bought other cake for M***** and S*** because I stay with her.

At night, M*** and I went to Kumamoto City again because we had a plan what we go to Izakaya with T****** and his friends. We met them and we enjoyed eating and drinking!
At 11:00 pm, M*** had to go back home because she have to ride train, so she did. I and other member were still drinking. At 12:30 am, we go back home.
I had very good time today. I want to hang out with M*** and T****** and other.
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August 1, 2008

Must be Somebody....

I saw this movie. That name is Ratatouille .

Main character are Remy which is rat. He has highly developed sense of taste and smell, Emile which is Remy's brother, Django which is Remy's father, Gusteau who was good cooker, but he died, Linguini who is Gusteau's son but he didn't know about it. and he can't cook very well. however, he is cooker.......

Remy thinks it's a pparent , he need to no think his life a little bit.... He got new job what he became poison checker. He didn't like that job.... He only wants to eat the good stuff. But his dad, Django doesn't think so. And he was thinking what human is dengerouse, so he said to rats supposed to hate humans. However, Remy knows they also have good points....

One day, Remy and Emile were into the humans house and they were looking for spice... Remy into there again and again. Sometimes, he watched Gusteau on TV in there. After that, grandmother notice to rats, so she tried to kill them. Remy and Emile tried to run away.....Emile and other rats were able to run away.... BUT Remy was lost...

One the way to looking for everyone, Remy hear Gusteau's voice. He was surprise because he was die. Gusteau said to Remy what you have to go up. Then, he went to up....... He found the Gusteau' restaurant and he saw man who is Linguini.... Linguini mistook and he spill soup on the floor. He tried to cook, but he can't. Remy thought that it was terrible... so he did cook stealthily. Linguini notice Remy, so he caught it. Restaurant's stuffs also noticed Remy. Everyone tried to kill it. Owner asked Linguini what take it away.......... Linguini tried it... However............................
I like this movie. I was thinking about rat is dirty until I watch this movie.
Then, I though rats are also good creature. And I also think about cook. I can't cook very well.
Therefore I didn't try to make cook. But I want to try to cook. Gusteau's words is very good.
"Everyone can cook!!!" I will try cook!
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