June 15, 2008

Thank You

I went to KGU high school for take the test. It was very difficult.
I went to shop after took the test and around the somewhere. I decided to buy something for my father because today is Father's day. There were many men's wears in shop where I went. Then, I choise the closes which is polo shirt. I though that if I gave it, my father could wear it when he do golf. Therefore I bought it.

When I go back to home, my father already went to bed....so I couldn't give it to father. I was shock. However, after that, my father got up and come to living room. I thought this is good chance for I give present to my father! Then, I gave it and my father was glad and smiled. He said THANK YOU, so I became HAPPY.

Thank you for everything and I love you, DAD.

(156 words)

1 comment:

chie said...

Hi, Ina :-)
Yor are a very good girl! I respect you. I didn't give anything to my father on father's day. However I, my mother, and my sister have special plan :-) I hope that my father is glad like your father!