June 10, 2008


In 2008, June 8th it is happen matter what kind bad matter.

Do you know Akihabara of Tokyo?

There are many electrical. There is one of famous city in Japan.
It is alive with many customers every weekend.

Many people come and enjoy shopping like this picture.

If we go there, we can buy many things like computer.

There is very interesting place.

However, June 8 was different. That day was also many people came to there. Everyone was shopping. In the noon, Truck came to there. Then, the truck which is operated by man slants into the pedestrians precinct. Three people had an accident with it.

After that, the man who drove the truck stab at many people with a knife.
There were bleeding from cuts on the body. Everyone pan iced. Some people were help injured people. Many police officers and emergency services came there. Akihabara's mood changed to bad. The matter was finally killed ten people and injured seven people.

Then, The policeman arrested him. He is 25 years old. He said "I am very tired to the world, so I killed people."

Everyone became sad. Some people were crying, and other people couldn't say anything. All in Japan doleful.

I couldn't understand him..... Why he killed many people? Why........

I can not forgive to him even if he has respectable reason why he did. Why he could kill many people? He is also human, so I think that he has same hurt with us....WHY? I became very sad when heard this news from TV. I was very shock this matter. He forget real hart.
He was smart. He went to school which is high T-score. He went to there but he didn't grow up to good human....

Recently, someone said "People who is smart is good." but I don't think so. When I became mother, I never said you should go school which is high T-score. I will say, Broaden the inside and become good human. "Smart people is equal good human" This words is not true. Real good human is also good inside even if not smart.

(360 words)

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