June 26, 2008

Washington D.C!

Do you know Maryland?

When I was 17 years old, I went to there with my friend and ALT, Mr. P*** . Maryland is near Washington D.C. We took plain about 17 hours... We were very tired and got jet lag. We couldn't sleep at plain because there is very narrow....so we didn't.
We arrived at Washington D.C. Our host family picked up us. We were very tired but I became very happy when I saw host family.

Next day, we went to Washington D.C and we saw White House and went to many places such as Lincoln Memorial. It was very good.
Then, We went to shopping mall. There are very big chair. I was so surprise!!! I took picture. It is Mickey Mouse's chair.

In the evening, we did party. My host family and friends' host family held it for us. Many American friend came to this party. I talked each other with many friends. We enjoyed doing party. I was very happy because I could communicate with other country's people.
I could enjoy staying in America.
Now, I have many American Friends. I still keep touch with my host family and friends.
Then, I and C****** who also went to America with us go to America this summer. We leave at Fukuoka on August 14 . And we stay with own host family.
My host family said "You have to bring swimsuit because we go to beach!", so I am very happy.
I can't wait until summer!!!!
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June 25, 2008

Agree with you

My best day

I like this blog because it is very interesting. I could understand her best memories. That picture is so good, and looks like delicious. I also wanted to go abroad when I was high school student, however, my parents disagreed about it. Therefore I couldn't go abroad, so she is luckey girl!!

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June 23, 2008


I am thinking about speaking classes.
I have group home work. Our group decided to think about travel in Korea.
I took charege of secound day. Then, I was thinking. I have just finished thought about it.

This is secound day's plan.

We get up at seven thirty, and we preparation for go out such as eat break fast. This day’s break fast is rice, miso-soup, kimchee, nori and egg dish. After ate break fast and ready for go out, we leave hotel at ten o’clock.
First, we go to Nandaimon which is one of market of Korea.(We arrive at there at ten thirty.) There are many good goods. For example, clothes, jewelry, food, glasses, toys and so on. We can also eat many foods, so we look around in there, and we have a lunch then. We look for good food for lunch. We leave from there at 14 o’clock.
Next, we go to COEX mall which is big shopping mall. There is duty-free shop, so we can buy brand-name goods more cheaply. We will be able to buy many present for friends and Family. We look around there and we start go back hotel at 17 o’clock.After arrived at hotel, we take a shower and do relax there. At 19 o’clock, we go to dinner. This day’s dinner is smorgasbord. We can choose ourselves. If we drink, we have to ask staff. We come back own room and we preparation to sleep at 21 o’clock. And 22 o’clock, we go to bed.

What do you think about this plan??

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June 21, 2008


Look at the picture!!! It is pasta!!!
My brother and his girlfriend made it for me. My brother is 22 years old who goes to University. He loves cooking, so he is always cook for me or his girl friend.
That picture's noodle is also handmade. His dishes are all handmade. He never use material like AJINO-MOTO. He is so good boy. I respect to my brother.
When I ate this pasta, I became happy. It was very very delicious. Thank you, my brother!!
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Good Day

Hi, everyone!! How are you today?

Yesterday, I went to K***** with my one of best friend, M****. We went to shop and I was looking for case of digital camera. M***** recommend one things which was very cute!!! so I decided to buy it! M***** also had it.

Then, we ate Okonomi-yaki. It was very very dericiouse.

we have to go berbar because I have a permanent. M***** waited for 2 hour. I thought I am sorry... But M***** said don't worry, so I was happy. M**** will go same berbar and has permanent, so I go to together. I was very glad to became good hair, I think.

Yesterday was very good day. I want to go shopping with M*****!!!

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June 16, 2008

BR 1-12: Worst girl

I read this book. I borrowed it from KGU's library because I thought it is interestung.

I think Emma is not good girl. She is demon for man. If I have a friend like her, I will become now I never believe her, but now, I don't have a friend like her, so it no probrem. I think Paul is very kinds boy, so he can get other girl who is more good girl than Emma. He should break with her!!!

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June 15, 2008

Thank You

I went to KGU high school for take the test. It was very difficult.
I went to shop after took the test and around the somewhere. I decided to buy something for my father because today is Father's day. There were many men's wears in shop where I went. Then, I choise the closes which is polo shirt. I though that if I gave it, my father could wear it when he do golf. Therefore I bought it.

When I go back to home, my father already went to bed....so I couldn't give it to father. I was shock. However, after that, my father got up and come to living room. I thought this is good chance for I give present to my father! Then, I gave it and my father was glad and smiled. He said THANK YOU, so I became HAPPY.

Thank you for everything and I love you, DAD.

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June 11, 2008

Super Woman

Today, I will talk about My learning language history.

I was interested in English when I was elementary student, nine years old. One of my friends went to cram school of English. I heard about English from her, so I also wanted to go there and learn English. Then, I went to cram school of English every Friday. Entered the junior high school, I had a English classes. I was looking forward to attend it every week. I loved learning English. However, I stopped going to cram school because I was very busy to do club activity and so on. I stopped going to cram school, only I enjoyed learning English in junior high school. From then on I have studied English for 10 years.

When I was high school student, I entered English speech contest. It was very difficult to me, but it was very studied for me. And I could make many foreign friends in my high school because international community was very active and school had sister school in America. Therefore, I could talk with them in English. It was good chance for learning native English.

When I was second grade of high school, I had a Korean classes. My father was always went to Korean for his job and told me about there, so I was interested in Korea and took course in Korean. Teacher was not Japanese, he was native Korean, so we could learn an accurate pronunciation. I studied again and again because Korean was very difficult, but I wanted to understand it. Then, I get full marks in the test.
My high school had also sister school in Korea, so Korean students came to my school every year. I talked with them. This is also help me to study Korean.

I went on to college. I was first grade last year. I took manicures in many types. That were excited me, especially Spanish was great! I knew some Spanish words because I had a foreign friend who speaks Spanish and taught me it. I learned Spanish grammar and conversation. And now, I am second grade of college. I also am taking Spanish classes this year. There are only four students in Spanish classes, so we can learn more deeply than last year. Sometimes, I call my friend who I told before and I speak some Spanish. Then, she surprised what I could speak Spanish.

Finally, I started to learn Chinese because my father's friend who is travel agent said " Do you study Chinese? If you want to work in travel company, you should study it." I didn't think what "I want to be travel agent like my father' friend" at first, but I was interested in that occupation, so I decided to learn Chinese. There are two times when I study Chinese in a week, Tuesday and Friday. Chinese pronunciation is very difficult. It is no close to Japanese, English and Spanish. I think my Chinese skill is very very bad, but I am studying hard to master it. Then, I want to make a perfect score on the next test, so I do my best and I never give up.

This is the way my history of language. I am thinking now "I studied four language, but I didn't master any language....." Therefore, I want to continue to study English, Korean, Spanish and Chinese. Then, I become super woman who can speak many language!

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June 10, 2008


In 2008, June 8th it is happen matter what kind bad matter.

Do you know Akihabara of Tokyo?

There are many electrical. There is one of famous city in Japan.
It is alive with many customers every weekend.

Many people come and enjoy shopping like this picture.

If we go there, we can buy many things like computer.

There is very interesting place.

However, June 8 was different. That day was also many people came to there. Everyone was shopping. In the noon, Truck came to there. Then, the truck which is operated by man slants into the pedestrians precinct. Three people had an accident with it.

After that, the man who drove the truck stab at many people with a knife.
There were bleeding from cuts on the body. Everyone pan iced. Some people were help injured people. Many police officers and emergency services came there. Akihabara's mood changed to bad. The matter was finally killed ten people and injured seven people.

Then, The policeman arrested him. He is 25 years old. He said "I am very tired to the world, so I killed people."

Everyone became sad. Some people were crying, and other people couldn't say anything. All in Japan doleful.

I couldn't understand him..... Why he killed many people? Why........

I can not forgive to him even if he has respectable reason why he did. Why he could kill many people? He is also human, so I think that he has same hurt with us....WHY? I became very sad when heard this news from TV. I was very shock this matter. He forget real hart.
He was smart. He went to school which is high T-score. He went to there but he didn't grow up to good human....

Recently, someone said "People who is smart is good." but I don't think so. When I became mother, I never said you should go school which is high T-score. I will say, Broaden the inside and become good human. "Smart people is equal good human" This words is not true. Real good human is also good inside even if not smart.

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June 7, 2008


"Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles"

This is one word that George Eliot said. I found out this words on internet. When I found it, I waged my head. It is really true. If I looked people who is smiling, I become very happy. However, I feel bad if I saw people who is scowling.

I have a part-time-job. I am cashier in supermarket. Many kind of people come to there such as amusing customer, irritable customer, high school students and so on. Some times, customer who is irritable come to supermarket, but I am smiling for customer. Then, customer is also smiling.......

What do you think about it? I think smile is very important to us. When we talk with foreigners, we also need smile. Smile is common things in all over the world.


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June 6, 2008

My Family

Today, I will talk about my family.

There are 5 people in my family, Dad, Mom, older sister, older brother and me.
My father is working in near my town. He is get up early and go to company. He doesn't have holiday. He is so busy man. And my mother who is housewife. She is always do housework. She can cook very well. I love mom's dishes. She is very active and her smile is the best. If I am sad or tired, I look mother. Then, I get happy. My sister who is 24 years old. She can cool very well!!!!! She love cook, so she learned dietetics when she was university student. Then, she passed exam of state. She is good woman. Sometimes, I and she have a quarrel over easy problem, but I love her. And my brother who is university student. He is very funny. I and brother are very friendly. I and sister also friendly. I talk sister and brother to everything, about love, study, friend, school and so on. My sister and brother also talk me.

I am respect for father and mother. I want to be adult like them. And I love sister and brother!!!!

I love my family.

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June 3, 2008

BR 1-11: Life

I read this book.
This story is very sad story, but it is good.

Harry went to heaven....but he wanted to go back to earth and do many things.
Then, he went back to the earth from heaven. He was flying in sky and look his family's life and friend and so on.

He is very sad because he feels what everyone forgot me. He effored to do for everyone notice what I am being! However, he is gost.....so of couse everyone didn't notice to him, but he do manything again and again.

One day, he got special power, so he could be use that power. He do something to friend with that power.................

I love this story. I thought I have to live my life hard when I have read this book. When I die, I don't want to think that "my life was terrible", I want to think that "My life was great", so I do my best to my life. I cherish my now, my life!! I never regret for past.

I think that everyone should more cherish for your life!
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Mickey Mouse

I love Mickey Mouse.

Mickey Mouse is popular charactor in all over the world.
I love Mickey Mouse as long as I can remenber; from my earliest recollections. Mickey Mouse is kind of mouse, but it is very cute. There are many things what Mickey collection in my room. For example, doll, puzzle and so on. Then, my pecil case and pencil are also Mickey Mouse. When I go to shop, I always look Mickey Mouse's things. I enjoy just look. I don't need buy it...

Recently, I found out new goods in discount store. It is very cute what puzzle. I want to buy it, but my room don't have enough wail for decorate with it because there are many Mickey Mouse's puzzles.
In my car, there are also Mickey goods; mirror, doll and so on.
My friend know I love Mickey Mouse, so everyone present me.
I love Mickey Mouse forever!!

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June 1, 2008

Our Future

I saw the movie which title is "The Day After Tomorrow". Do you know this movie? It is important for us. This movie teaches me very important things.
Now, I will introduce this movie.

Main characters are Jack who is doing research in global warming, Frank and Peter are helping Jack, Sam who is Jack's son, Terry Rapson who is scientist in Scotland. Minor characters are Parke, Brian and Laura and so on.

Jack thought "indicates runway warming pushed Earth into an ice age. And global warming is melting the polar ice caps and disrupting this flow". Therefore, He appealed for measure against global warming to everyone. However, everyone didn't believe him what about coming ice age, so they didn't anything. They should have acted soon for it..... Sam went to New York for quiz meeting with Brian and Laura.

The weather of Earth was a little changing. In Tokyo, the very big hailstones were falling. And other country had many hurricanes. In the addition, it had been raining in New York. After that, the Earth's temperature fell. Animals look different from everyday. Terry Rapson called Jack and tells him what the Earth is changing. One of their NOMAD buoys registered 13-degree drop in surface temperature. At first, they thought it was malfunction, but it was not true. There were four more across the North Atlantic showing the same things. Then, Jack appealed for it to Mr. Vice President again. However, he didn't still believe him.....

The weather was becoming worse. Sam and other friends couldn't go back home because train and plain stopped for weather. Lucy who is Sam's mother and Jack worried about him. Everyone ran for their life. Antarctic ice melted and New York has been affected flooding. Sam called his father, Jack and got advice from him what don't go out and wait for us. Sam had believed his father and had waited to their.

At last, the government believed Jack and put Jack's ideas into action. Then, the ice age was becoming. And Jack, Frank and peter left for New York. The car didn't move on their way, so they walked so long time. They were confronted with some difficulties........ What happened after that? You should watch after this.

I was thinking about global warming after watch movie. Recently, the Earth is having serious problems. On one hand the world is development of technology, car and so on; on the other, it leads up to the destruction of Earth. Practically, Mr. Fukuda who is prime minister of Japan is meeting about global warming with Africa. What we should we do? I think we should notice that consciousness of our Earth's limitations. We also have limit. And also Earth have limit. There is a limit to everything. We have to protect our Earth, or we won't live in the Earth near future. Everyone think "this story is fiction, just made it for movie......" However, it is not true. "The Day After Tomorrow" may our future if we didn't think about any things, so we have to take problems seriously. Everyone should watch this movie and think about now Earth' environment.
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