June 10, 2009

Amazing Girl

I have had a fever since Tuesday.....
I have slept all day.... So I can't sleep now!!! HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
So I decided to write on this blog.

I found great blog yesterday. A girl who is 8 years old is writing blog by English.
Her English is soooooo nice. At first, I didn't think she is 8 years old. She is soooo smart.
I comented her blog and she answered me. I think she is like junior high school student. I think some Japanese junior high school students can't write about something like her.
I think she will be special woman in the future :)

If you have time, you should find her blog or please ask me. I will tell you her blog address :)

1 comment:

amuko said...

I found your blog.
When did you start your blog?
Your blog is very cute!☆
In the picture who is you and where are you?