June 11, 2009

Getting Better

My feeling is getting better!
I was boring few days because of a cold! I couldn't do anything, ecept sleeping!
I slept all day......... I wantedt to study, but I couldn't. I have big test day after tomorrow.....OH NOOOO. I will start to study today because I am getting better!

I will go student's house with MASK!!! I need mask due to cough! But now, I don't have a fever, so don't worry everyone!! and I am not swine flu!!! So don't scary me :) hahaha
Some friends worry about that. and ask me again and again like "you have swine flu?". But I am NOOOOOOOT swine flu. Just cold, so don't worry! say again..... DON'T WORRY!!!! hahaha

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