June 14, 2009

Hard day....

I got up at 7:10am. And I left my house at about 7:50 because I had to go schoooool!!!!! I had to take TOEFL.... I don't like this test... it is sooooo difficult for me :( And we can't have break 2 hours!! so long test, doesn't it? Today was bad condition because I was seems crazy! I really wanted to go restroom after 1 hours!!! But I could wait in patience until finish taking test! haha :) I am a nice person! ha-ha. OH!!! PLEASE DON'T ASK ME like "How was TOEFL?".....

After that, I went back home. And I had lunch :) and I looked amazon which is shopping site. I really like to see amazon. I want to buy something on Amazon America, but transport charges are little expensive....so I am thinking if I should buy or not. I will think more :)

At 5:00pm, I went to part-time-job! It was not bad, but not so good. But I think I could spent nice time there. We talked about New employee. We are looking forward meeting her. My job finished at about 9pm. And I went back home.....

I did homework and homework and homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And now, typing.... typing...........typing............SLEEEEEEPYYYY.

OK, I will sleep now :)
Good night everyone :)

June 11, 2009

Getting Better

My feeling is getting better!
I was boring few days because of a cold! I couldn't do anything, ecept sleeping!
I slept all day......... I wantedt to study, but I couldn't. I have big test day after tomorrow.....OH NOOOO. I will start to study today because I am getting better!

I will go student's house with MASK!!! I need mask due to cough! But now, I don't have a fever, so don't worry everyone!! and I am not swine flu!!! So don't scary me :) hahaha
Some friends worry about that. and ask me again and again like "you have swine flu?". But I am NOOOOOOOT swine flu. Just cold, so don't worry! say again..... DON'T WORRY!!!! hahaha

June 10, 2009

Amazing Girl

I have had a fever since Tuesday.....
I have slept all day.... So I can't sleep now!!! HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
So I decided to write on this blog.

I found great blog yesterday. A girl who is 8 years old is writing blog by English.
Her English is soooooo nice. At first, I didn't think she is 8 years old. She is soooo smart.
I comented her blog and she answered me. I think she is like junior high school student. I think some Japanese junior high school students can't write about something like her.
I think she will be special woman in the future :)

If you have time, you should find her blog or please ask me. I will tell you her blog address :)

April 23, 2009

What does it mean ?! ~KA MATE~

I want you watch this video at first.
This is New Zealand view :) I really like to see this video.
You can know about New Zealand's nature if you watch this!

Now, I will talk about Haka which is traditional dance in New Zealand.
Today, I will introduce about Haka's song.
I didn't know Haka's song'S meaning, so I decided to resarch that.

Ka mate, ka mate! ka ora! ka ora!

Ka mate! ka mate! ka ora! ka ora!

Tēnei te tangata pūhuruhuru

Nāna nei i tiki mai whakawhiti te rā

Ā, upane! ka upane!

Ā, upane, ka upane, whiti te ra!

This is song of Haka.
And That meaning is here.

’Tis death! ‘tis death! (or: I may die) ’Tis life! ‘tis life! (or: I may live)

’Tis death! ‘tis death! ’Tis life! ‘tis life!

This the hairy man that stands here...

…who brought the sun and caused it to shine

A step upward, another step upward!

A step upward, another... the Sun shines!


April 19, 2009

Resarch-1: New Zealand

New Zealand is one of the island countries. That name's mean is "Land of the Long White Cloud". It lies south-western Pacific Ocean.
There are two main lands and some small lands. They have great nature.

They were the stage for the Lord of the Rings

In there, about 4,270,000 people are living.
Official language is Maori and English and sign language of New Zealand.

People are passing the Maori tradition down from generaion to generation.

I am interested in Maori's Haka which is traditional dance in there, so next I will reserch about Maori and Haka.
And you can see Haka on Youtube.


March 28, 2009


I met Ayako and Chie and Miyo!
I talked with them. It was so fun!
Any way, Ayako said me she is starting to write blog.
Ad She said me she will be good student.
So, I also start to write blog.....
Maybe I will write a lot......MAYBE...

Oh, nooo!! I am so sleepy now.
I want to sleep soon, but I want to watch TV too.
And I want to study tooo....
So I can't sleep soon, but I think I am ok.

I will hang out with Asuka who went back Japan from Korea.
She stayed in Korea for one year. So I couldn't meet her long time.
So I am looking forward to tomorrow!
I think I will take pictures, so I will put them on facebook tomorrow.

See you tomorrow!

February 21, 2009

My problems

I am still in America now. I am sending good time in there.
Tomorrow, we will go N.Y.
I really like America and American people!
My host family, Rollins are very nice family :) They are my second family!
And Michalek family and other friends are also so nice.

I have very good time in America but I am thinking something what my English skill is so bad.
I want to said something but I don't remember the English words. It make me irritate.
I want to talk with friends more, but I don't know what I should talk about. I could find many English problems in this trip.

I like to study English, but I can't remember the words, grammar and so on. However I should study more. I am studying English in my room in the every morning. but I can't say "I did study a lot" because I don't remember a lot.
I have to take TOEFL (Test of English a Foreign Language) in March. So, I will study hard.

And I have the other problem. I really want to go abroad. However, my parents disagree with me. They said me you don't need go. But Going abroad is my dream, so I have to persuade them. I can't understand why they say no. I will try it again and again.