February 21, 2009

My problems

I am still in America now. I am sending good time in there.
Tomorrow, we will go N.Y.
I really like America and American people!
My host family, Rollins are very nice family :) They are my second family!
And Michalek family and other friends are also so nice.

I have very good time in America but I am thinking something what my English skill is so bad.
I want to said something but I don't remember the English words. It make me irritate.
I want to talk with friends more, but I don't know what I should talk about. I could find many English problems in this trip.

I like to study English, but I can't remember the words, grammar and so on. However I should study more. I am studying English in my room in the every morning. but I can't say "I did study a lot" because I don't remember a lot.
I have to take TOEFL (Test of English a Foreign Language) in March. So, I will study hard.

And I have the other problem. I really want to go abroad. However, my parents disagree with me. They said me you don't need go. But Going abroad is my dream, so I have to persuade them. I can't understand why they say no. I will try it again and again.

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