June 14, 2009

Hard day....

I got up at 7:10am. And I left my house at about 7:50 because I had to go schoooool!!!!! I had to take TOEFL.... I don't like this test... it is sooooo difficult for me :( And we can't have break 2 hours!! so long test, doesn't it? Today was bad condition because I was seems crazy! I really wanted to go restroom after 1 hours!!! But I could wait in patience until finish taking test! haha :) I am a nice person! ha-ha. OH!!! PLEASE DON'T ASK ME like "How was TOEFL?".....

After that, I went back home. And I had lunch :) and I looked amazon which is shopping site. I really like to see amazon. I want to buy something on Amazon America, but transport charges are little expensive....so I am thinking if I should buy or not. I will think more :)

At 5:00pm, I went to part-time-job! It was not bad, but not so good. But I think I could spent nice time there. We talked about New employee. We are looking forward meeting her. My job finished at about 9pm. And I went back home.....

I did homework and homework and homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And now, typing.... typing...........typing............SLEEEEEEPYYYY.

OK, I will sleep now :)
Good night everyone :)

June 11, 2009

Getting Better

My feeling is getting better!
I was boring few days because of a cold! I couldn't do anything, ecept sleeping!
I slept all day......... I wantedt to study, but I couldn't. I have big test day after tomorrow.....OH NOOOO. I will start to study today because I am getting better!

I will go student's house with MASK!!! I need mask due to cough! But now, I don't have a fever, so don't worry everyone!! and I am not swine flu!!! So don't scary me :) hahaha
Some friends worry about that. and ask me again and again like "you have swine flu?". But I am NOOOOOOOT swine flu. Just cold, so don't worry! say again..... DON'T WORRY!!!! hahaha

June 10, 2009

Amazing Girl

I have had a fever since Tuesday.....
I have slept all day.... So I can't sleep now!!! HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
So I decided to write on this blog.

I found great blog yesterday. A girl who is 8 years old is writing blog by English.
Her English is soooooo nice. At first, I didn't think she is 8 years old. She is soooo smart.
I comented her blog and she answered me. I think she is like junior high school student. I think some Japanese junior high school students can't write about something like her.
I think she will be special woman in the future :)

If you have time, you should find her blog or please ask me. I will tell you her blog address :)