November 12, 2008

Community ~Spend my Life with Soft Ball Team~

I will introduce my soft ball team to everyone. There are 15 or 20 members in my soft ball team. I wasn’t thinking about join soft ball team. Of course, I didn’t know about soft ball very well. And I didn’t like it a lot. But one of my friends Shyo invited to me.
One night, I get email from him. And he said me “let’s eat out with us!” Then, I and Risa who is my friend went to restaurant with him. And he talked about soft ball team. He wanted to make soft ball team. And he asked us "You guys, will you be a team secretary?" Then, we were thinking about it a lot because we never do that, so we were worrying if we can do that. However, he said us “it is easy. Don’t worry! You can do that”. So we decided to be secretaries. Then we started spending time as secretaries.

First, we gathered members of team. There are many friends who want to join this team, so we could gather member easily. Then, we decided to first practice day. We worried if members come to ground which we would do practice. But many members came to there and we could practice soft ball at first. We knew each other because we were same elementary school or junior high school. Therefore, we didn't need to introduce ourselves. Our first practice was very very bad. We didn’t know what we should do then. So only time passed. After practice, we were thinking what we should do at practice with everyone. Members said their opinions. And we do our best for soft ball.

Now, we always practice every weekend. And we are thinking about make uniform and join some games in our town. Our team is still weak, but members are very nice. And we are very very good friends. Not only practice with team, we also hang out together. We often go to bowling at Friday or Saturday nights. Of course, there aren't many girls. Girls are only I and Risa. However, we can spend very very good time with them. I think because boys are very nice persons as friends. I really like spend time with soft ball team.

I thought I can't have good relationships with boys until high school student. But now, I think I can have great relationships with boys. I was known it by soft ball team. We enjoy to play soft ball and to hang out together. It is not reason if we are girls and boys. We can have great relationships without regard to sex or age. My mind changed after became team secretary like that. I think I am a lucky girl because Shyo asked me if I become a team secretary. If I didn't become it, I would never change my mind, so I want to help soft ball team as a good a secretary even if I become older like mom.

(505 words)


soft ball
great member
good pitcher
catch ball

November 8, 2008

My best friend, Chinatsu

I met Chinatsu who is my best friend. Now, I will introduce her :)

I moved to K******* from F**** when I was 5 years old. Then I went to new preschool. I met her at first time. I didn't talk a lot with her, so I didn't know about her a lot. I and she entered same elementary school. And I knew we live in near house, so I got back home with her everyday. We talked about a lot of things such as "school", "love", "friends"and so on. We always hung out together. We entered same junior high school and we belonged to same club. Therefore, we were always together. And we went to same high school, too!!!!!!! And also WE BELONGED TO SAME CLUB again...ha-ha :) We went to many places when we had a time. We spent very good time together.

However, I entered different University with her. Her University is in F*****, so we can't meet each other a lot. But we are sending email or calling each other.

Therefore, I was so happy to meet her today. We went to restaurant and we ate lunch. We talked many things. We didn't stop talking because we had many things which we wanted to talk. And we ate 葡萄パフェ for dessert. It was very good taste.

I think we are are very very good relationships even if we are live in far away. I want to keep this relationships forever!

(248 words)

November 4, 2008

What is the most Important to me?

I watched Mrs. So I will introduce this movie now.
Main character are Daniel Hillard who has wife and their children, but he didn't have job, Miranda Hillard who is Daniel's wife and she is doing job and their kids, Lydia,Christopher and Natalie and Stu who is bossiness man and Euphegenia Doubtfire who helps children.
And minor character are Frank, Grolia, Jack Jonathan and so on.

One day, Daniel and his children wanted to have a party becasue that day was Chris's birthday. Then they did party until their mom came back. It was very very noisy, so neighbor, Gloria called Miranda.... So Miranda noticed what happen in her house. Then she went back soon and she asked them. She was very very angree.
Miranda asked her husband "I want to divorced you"... Daniel persuaded her, but she wouldn't say no. Therefor, he couldn't stay with his children everyday and he couldn't stay at thier house.

He was looking for new job for their family, but he couldn't find it soon. Finally, he got new job which is very hard job. And then, he heard what Miranda was looking for a home help for her kids. Daniel wanted to meet children a lot, so he decided to become their home help with funny idea. He good at changing voice, so he called her about it as some woman. And he played bad woman. Then he played great woman named Euphegenia Doubtfire. He passed interview with her. And she decided to her as a home help...... Then..... Daniel was doing job as Euphegenia Doubtfire......

It was very very funny. But I was thinking about something about family. My family is very very good.There are five people in my Japanese , dad mom, older sister and older brother and me. My dad is very good person. He goes to work everyday. But if he have holiday, he take somewhere to us. My mom is very very funny. Her smile is the best in the world. I am respect for my parents. And my sister is scary for me, but she is also good person!!! I think she is smart. And she is good at cooking. Her dishes are very nice. And My brother is great guy! I and he is very very good relationship as good friends. We always talk about school life, love, future and more. I can tell him everything. I think he is my brother also he is good my friend!I like to talk with my family when I go back home. If I get probrems, I talk with them about funny thing. Then I will be able to be happy. They make me very very happy.
What is the most important in family? I think smile is the most important in family. It was very bad mood in "Mrs. Doubtf" at fast. Husband and wife didn't live in friendship. I think it is very bad for their children and theirselves. My dad ane mom are very very good mood. So we can spend good time with family. My family make me happy. I think I need family forever.

And also I was thinking about me. Daniel was changed by family. I think it is very good things. I am changing now. I am changed by my dream. My dream is big dream, so nobady knows if it come true. So I thought I have to change my mind and I have to study more. Daniel wanted to meet his children more, so he could change. Therefore, I want to grant my dream, so I can do that. I thought what is the most important in my life when I watched it. My dream is very very important. And it is very very important for me to think "I NEVER GIVE UP".

I could think about many things when I watched this movie. If you don't know what is the most important for you, I think you should watch this movie. Then, you can find something for you. I thought I had a really good time for thinking about me and family.

(694 words)