July 6, 2008

Great Day

I was very busy today.
I got up at 9 o'clock, and I checked blog and commented.
Then, I ate break first and went to Y***** for part time job.
I am home teacher, so I taught English and moth.
I finished part time job at 11 o'clock.

Next, I drive my car and went to station because I had to go K******* city for take a test. I took the train and I met my friend M***.
We arrived at station, and started to walk. Outside was very very hot. We were tired...
We took the test. I was very very difficult. I couldn't understand, however I did my best.

After finished take the test, I went to shop with my friend, M*****.
We went to PARCO. I bought some thing. We were hungry after that, so we went to Chinese restaurant. That restaurant's name is 紅蘭亭. We ate Subuta. It was so delicious. We became full.
Then, We took the Purikula. We didn't take it so long time. We could enjoy.

I was very busy today, but I had so good time!!!

(188 words)


harattyo said...


I read your blog cheered FOR YOUR COMMENT.I haven't read your blog.i'll read your blog sometime.

Ina said...

Thenk you for coming to my blog!!
I was glad to see you when I found your comment!!
Thank you so much!

harattyo said...

Thank You Ina!!
I became Special Day, happy day too!! See you・・