January 7, 2009

Good bye 2008, Hello 2009

Hi, everyone :) How are you?

I will talk about end of December and start of January.
I went to part time job every day in December. Of course, I had to go to job on December 31th. I didn't want to go to job, but I had to. Therefore, I went to supermarket for job at 6pm. And I finished doing job at nine thirty pm.

Then, I had to go my grand mother's house in Fukuoka, Yame. I used to expressway. And after 50 minits, I arrived at her house. My famiry and grandmother were waiting for me. And they said me welcome back! Then, I ate Soba for dinner. It was 11pm after finished eating soba. Then, I watched Kouhaku with everyone. It was so nice.

2009 year came soon. I sent myfriend Happy New Year email. And I talked with Chie on phone. Then I went to sleep at 2am on January 1st.
I got up at 10am. And I and my family ate breakfast and we said "Happy new year!"
My grand mother gave me handsel. I was very happy :)

My sister and I went to Youme Town in Kurume. And we enjoyed shopping. I bought some clothes. I didn't go shop so long time, so I was happy to buy. And also she and I bought a cake and a present for grandmother because January 1st was her birthday. She became 80 years old. We thought a lot for present because we didn't know what she want. It was very difficult to choose a present. At last, we got nice present for her.

My sister and I went back house, and we did Nabe for dinner. After that we gave a present and a cake for grandmother. She looked happy, so we also became happy.