December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve

Today is New Year's Eve. I retrace past events this year. I finished work as captain in Tamana Girls's High School and I made an address in reply on graduation. I entered KGU. I can remamber the many memoris. I was also happy this year.

December 25, 2007


Today is Christmas! But I didn't anything.
I want to see illumination next Christmas.

December 14, 2007


Our work was complete!
We did our best!!!

I could enjoy it!

December 12, 2007


We meet and talk about presentaiton. It is still not complete. One the way, I heard bad news from my mother what my friend died in a traffic accident, so I was very sad and I couldn't talk with every one. I trouble for everyone.

December 6, 2007


Our group did meeting and talk about presentation.

It is so difficult. We do our best.