December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve

Today is New Year's Eve. I retrace past events this year. I finished work as captain in Tamana Girls's High School and I made an address in reply on graduation. I entered KGU. I can remamber the many memoris. I was also happy this year.

December 25, 2007


Today is Christmas! But I didn't anything.
I want to see illumination next Christmas.

December 14, 2007


Our work was complete!
We did our best!!!

I could enjoy it!

December 12, 2007


We meet and talk about presentaiton. It is still not complete. One the way, I heard bad news from my mother what my friend died in a traffic accident, so I was very sad and I couldn't talk with every one. I trouble for everyone.

December 6, 2007


Our group did meeting and talk about presentation.

It is so difficult. We do our best.

November 26, 2007

Bad habits

We talk about bad habits. My bad habit that I can sleep anywhere. My friend's bad habit is overeat.
We practice for intervew test. I could talk with friends.

November 24, 2007

Blood Types

My blood type is A. My father, My brother are also type A. My sister's blood type is AB. And my mother is Type B. She doesn't like her type because B have bad images.

November 19, 2007


We talked about Eibeigakka with friend. Her name is Yuka. The reson why she chose to Eibei-gakka she wanted to study English in KGU. She wans to be CA. She thinks we speak more active to speak English well. That all.

November 17, 2007


I want to be an English teacher because I want to tell to many children English is very interesting. It is common language, so if we can speak English, I can comunicate with other country's people.

November 12, 2007

My friend, Tomoko

We talked about myself. I talked to Tomoko to my friend and I heared about herself. She talked me about her friend. She said very lonely because her best friend is going to German for study. She also said "I want to meet her soon". I enjoyed hearing about her.

We decided to matter for News. It is secret:)

November 11, 2007

About me

I am 18 years old. I go to KGU.

I was born in Fukuoka. I had lived in there for 5 years. When I was 5 years old, I movied to Kumamoto. I didn't want to leave Fukuoka. I said good bye to friends and left Fukuoka.

I love Kumamoto now because Kumamoto has very good nature. I can say "Kuamoto is very good place!''.

November 5, 2007

New project

I got new group today. The member is Chisato, Nayu and me. Next project is " News of Future".
We have to think about in 2027, December. It is so difficult but it very interesting. I love this project.

November 3, 2007


I have giid friends. I have perfect confidence that my friends. They are very kind but also they are angry if I do bad thing. When I am sad, they always help me. I am so happy because I have good friends. Friends never betray to me. They are very important to me and I pround of having became friends with their.

October 30, 2007

Good job

We present a our group's restaurant. We practiced that this morning, so we could present well. But I think we practice more and more.

Everyones' project was good. I could study how to presentation.

October 28, 2007


Tomorrow is presentation day. We have to make an annoucement in front of everyone. I am nervous now. But want to do my best tomorrow!

October 23, 2007

prsentation is coming soon


We talked about restaurant. Our restaurant almost complete. We have only to paint of poster. Tomoko likes painting a picture, so she paint to our poster :)

We will meeting on October 25th. It is last meeting. We have to more seriouse to meeting.

October 20, 2007


My favorite restaurant is my father's cousin's restaurant. It name is UMENOHANA. It us very popular in Japan. But a little expensive. I can't go to there every time, but my family go there on special day!!!

October 16, 2007


We did discussion in speaking class.

First topic is '' Where is the best place to go for date??'' I thought best is go to sea. But I heard friends' opinion and changed my mind. Some friend said '' I went to DOKKOSAN''. I thought Dokkosan is not good place because there are many graves. But she said '' If we go Dokkosan, we can see very beatiful night view. I want to go there!!!!

We made restauran's menu. Our restaurant has some pasta, desart, salad, drink and alcohol.
We will do meeting this week!!!!!

October 14, 2007


If you often sleep in class, why don't you go to bed early everyday???
I also used to sleep in class when I was junior high school student, but now I don't sleep in class because I go to bed early. I think that if you go to bed early, you don't sleep in class!!!!

October 1, 2007


We talked about EATING at today's class. I was surprised to know Kazue eat very strange food what is NORSE OF PIG. I have never heard what norse of pig can eat. I want to try to eat!!

We talked about restaurant. We decided to name of restaurant and what kind of restaurant.
We will make good restauran.

September 28, 2007


I love to eat becuse I become happy when I eat some food.
I think eating food is very important to me, so I have never skipped breakfast in morning if I haven't time.

September 10, 2007

The second semester

We talked about vacation. Some people had part-time-job in summer vacation, so they couldn't hung out with friend. They were very bisy. But other peple enjoyed spending during their vacation. Takashi went to Hokkaido and Osaka.

We made New group for next presentation. There are 3 people in my group, Tomoko, Takanori and me. Next presentation is Restaurant. We will make good restaurant. Please looking forward it!!!!!!!

September 9, 2007


I went to Guam in spring vacation with my Family.
There were beautiful nature and I could see beautiful view. I spoke a little English. I helped my family and I tried to my English. It was very good time.
I love summer vacation because I can swim and also I can go festival. I love to see fireworks in there.
Which your favorit vacation??

July 21, 2007


I did speaking test today. I was so nervous.
We talked about HOME TOWN. It topic was difficult for me. But I did my best!!!!

July 9, 2007


I did meeting about group home work with group.
We dicded almost.

I will meet again tomorrow.
I will write on poster.

June 10, 2007

Group work

We finished group work on Friday. It was very very busy......Soooooo difficult.
I am worry announcement it on monay.


I love long hair. But when I was junior high school student , I was short hair because I played sport. I like boy of short hair than long hair.

I don't like GYALU fashion. Those clothes looks like dirty.

May 20, 2007

Part Time Job

I went to part time job. I went to restaurant in my town.
There are TENPURA!!!! It is very delicious.
Many customers come there. I was very busy :(
But I like this Job!!!
Please come to here and eat tenpura someday :D